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"...Desperate faces. You feel, like, completely haunted by the sight of that sad mother and daughter."

I blinked as the flash of the camera caught my eye.

"I could frame one of you in a dark corner, and catch you in a moment of despair. Sh, sh, sh. I believe Max has taken what you guys call a "selfie." Stupid word for a wonderful photographic tradition. And Max ... has talent. Of course as you all know."

I'm back... Back to where I started this crazy week... And no one will hurt Chloe again...

It felt strange to be in the same class as Jefferson, as if I wasn't just being tortured by him in the underground bunker. I saw him for the first time as he really was: a creepy, manipulative psychopath, full of bullshit. He uses art and passion to seduce people, but underneath there is nothing but hatred and perversion. I just pray that I can fix this timeline, not mess it up.

Jefferson continued his lecture. "...photo portraits have been popular since the early 1800s. Your generation is not the first to use images for "selfie expression". Sorry. I couldn't resist. The point is that portraits have always been an important aspect of art, and photography, for as long as he's still there. Now, Max, since you've piqued our interest and obviously want to take part in the conversation, could you tell us the name of the process that gave rise to the first self-portrait?"

He looked at me intensely for an answer, but I couldn't help but be disgusted by him.

"Who cares? This class is complete bullshit," I blurted out.

Victoria turned her chair to look at me, resting her arms on the back of her chair. I could feel the dagger in Victoria's gaze as well as the shock of Kate and the other students.

"I'll pretend you didn't say that, and let you try answering one more time."

I rolled my eyes lazily. "Sorry, there's no time. I mean, your class is almost over."

Jefferson laughed nervously. "Oh... Well, uh... Thanks for the warning, Max. So, the Daguerreian Process made portraiture quite popular, mainly because it gave the subject clear, defined features. You can learn more after you finish reading the assigned chapter. "Obviously, Max doesn't have, uh...time."

The school bell rang and the students started to gather their things and leave the room.

"And guys, don't forget the deadline for submitting photos to the "Everyday Heroes" contest I'm flying with..."

It's time to change the times.

First, let's make it easier to catch Mark Jefferson.

"...with the winner to San Francisco where you will be adored by the art world. This is incredible exposure and can launch a career in photography. So... Stella and Alyssa, get it together. Taylor, don't hide, I still do too waiting for your input. And yes, Max, I saw you pretending not to see me."

Bastard. I have to warn David about Jefferson and the Dark Room.

I searched my bag and found a pamphlet for Blackwell. I should have been able to find David's number from the school flyer.

I flipped through the pages until I found David's number.

Found it!

I took out my phone to text David.

For once, David... I pray that you overreact to this like the others... and take Jefferson down quickly.

"Mr. Madsen. You are after Rachel Amber. Mark Jefferson is guilty. His Dark Room is under the Prescott family farmhouse. You know his location. He is sick and dangerous. Stop him."

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