Start from the beginning

"Obviously I'm not counting on you. That's why I have a gun. And I might even save you someday," Chloe said.

"About time."

"I'm going to hit you," she groaned. "There's no way we could have guessed this would happen to us when we grew up."

"I look forward to the day when we can take a road trip to Portland," I said thoughtfully.

"Fuck yeah. You, me... and Rachel."

"Sure. So, let's play it cool, okay? Just talk to Frank so we can get the code to the book from him. That's all."

Chloe nodded then put the gun in her trouser pocket. "Got it. No kidding."

"Come on."

We approach Frank's RV.

It blows my mind that I'm just here with Chloe in an alternate reality...

I approached Chloe then nodded towards the RV door and Chloe knocked.

Frank opened the door and got out of his RV.

He raised an eyebrow, half surprised to see us. "Oh, look... The Wonder Twins. You should have come alone."

"He's my partner," Chloe answered.

"Yeah, or a bodyguard. So let's get down to business. Where's my damn money?" Frank asked.

Chloe looked at me.

I shrugged helplessly, shaking my head. Chloe looked back at Frank.

"I—I don't have any money... yet."

Frank started to frown. "Oh, really... then why did you text me?"

"Because I wanted to tell you directly," Chloe answered.

"Oh, I'm really touched, Chloe. Now why are you a complete loser here?"

"We just wanted to ask a few questions."

Frank's intimidating atmosphere heated up. He approached us with impatient steps.

"You have some serious balls. NO." His voice was heavy with emotion.

We looked down, disappointed. Frank saw their disappointment and gave up. He turned soft instantly.

"Jeez, okay, okay. But I didn't get you too drunk."

"Frank, we're not here to get drunk," I said.

Frank almost smiled at my innocent face. "No, you don't look like that type. Not like Chloe here. So, what do you want from the Hardy Boys?"

"Just the names of some of your clients," I answered.

"Oh, that's it? Well, why don't you just tell me? How about I just give you the keys to my RV while I'm at it?" he sarcastically brought up a moment ago.

"Listen, Frank, sorry to bother you, but this is important."

"Yeah, yeah... Everything matters these days. But I know you're not lying to me."

I sighed loudly. "No time for that, Frank. I just need a little information."

"Yeah, yeah... well, it always starts with a little. Chloe here knows all about that, doesn't she?" he asked Chloe.

"Come on, Frank. This isn't about me right now."

"Yeah, right, okay. You two are giving me a headache. Disagree," Frank said finally.

"Frank, we didn't come here to fight. This is much bigger than us," I persuaded again.

"You... you came in peace? After you pointed the gun at me and then pulled the trigger?" He groaned.

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