Chapter 35

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Chills were creeping through her body. Her brain was thinking a million things a second. It was hard to wrap her mind around what was about to happen today.

Jieun had just finished her shower and was putting on her clothes for the day. Her heart was almost beating outside of her chest from her nerves running around inside of her. She was having a hard putting herself out there and getting ready. It felt like none of this was real.

"Are you almost ready?" Beom said through the door. "We need to be out of the door soon."

Jieun glanced at herself in the mirror. Just looking at herself, she could see the worry in her gaze. She placed a hand on her chest, letting out a deep breath in order to calm herself.

The sun rays came into the room as Jieun opened her door. Beom and Yin were sitting out on the couch as they waited for her. She gave them a smile, signaling that she was ready to go.

They had searched the location of the clinic and it wasn't too far away. None of them were able to drive so walking was their best bet, since the sun that shone on the sidewalk gave all of them a glimmer of hope. Even the clouds were covering any of the sky's beauty.

"I can't believe this is really happening," Yin bellowed. "I thought it was all just a dream when I woke up this morning."

"I've been trying to find a cure for this so long that it doesn't seem that it is real," Jieun signed.

They stopped on the sidewalk to pull the female into a hug. The warm embrace of her friends almost made all her pent-up feelings release. Tears were pricking at the brim of her eyes. Now wasn't the time to cry, so she tried to calm herself down and suck up all the water that threaten to drip down.

The whole way down to the clinic, Jieun had a gigantic smile on her face. Joy radiated from her as she entered the doors. They checked in and waited for her name to be called.

The room wasn't too full of people. There was only a couple of people who sat on the other side with their faces stuck in their phones. The few amounts of people made it look empty. Wouldn't he have more people in his waiting room if he was a good doctor?

"Jieun," A voice called out.

Her head shot up and saw a tall male wearing a long white cloak. He had on a friendly smile as he gestured for her to follow him.

She gripped Yin and Beom's hands as they followed him. The hallway of the office was blank. Only a few pictures were hung on the white walls. There was equipment that lingered around as they weren't in use by any of the patients.

He opened the door and patted the area for Jieun to sit down at. The room was quite dark, there were a few lights from the machines that filled it with light.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Kang. It is nice to meet you," he smiled and reached his hand out to shake.

"It is nice to meet you as well," Jieun signed as Beom translated it to the male.

He turned and pulled out a chipboard that listed some of the things they would be using today. He carefully listed out each of the machines and explained what they would do for Jieun's knowledge.

Opening her mouth, he flashed a bright light down it as he tried to see if there was any swelling that could have also been the cause of her muteness. He would press lightly against it to see if there was any pain that would appear.

"Alright, I want to take you to imaging and get some x-rays done on you to lay out our best process for your surgery," Dr. Kang explained.

Nodding her head, she was expecting Yin and Beom to follow along and go with her but the doctor stopped them.

INK~~ SKZ FFTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon