Chapter 11

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It has been a few days since their last busking event. Beom had the day off today, leaving her to have the whole apartment to herself.

Kimchi wandered alongside her, rubbing her silky fur against her legs. Beom leaned down to scratch the cat's neck before picking her up and carrying her next to her food bowl. She poured a decent amount of the cat food into Kimchi's bowl as she meowed her gratitude.

Beom grabbed her keys to head out the door and go to the mailboxes that were lined up along the wall. She inserted the key and opened the door. She began to pull out all the envelopes.

There was one unusual one that caught her eye. She moved it to the top and carried it all the way back to her place.

Sitting down at the table, she tore into the envelope and revealed an invitation slipped inside. She wasn't expecting any big party coming up. There weren't any big holidays around this part of the year.

As she continued to get the paper out and read through it, her eyes widened seeing the words on the paper. The black coloring seemed to become more prominent the farther she read.

We are Energy Dance Competition and we had a couple of scouts wandering the streets a few days ago. They were so in awe of COS:MIC's performance that we would like to invite you all to compete in our competition in three weeks. We would love to see you there!

Beom wanted to scream but decided not to. She wished that Jieun and Yin were here to celebrate as well. She picked up her phone and called Yin. She waited a few seconds as the ringing of the phone was the only sound that she heard.

"Hello?" Yin's voice rang through the line.

"Are you two almost done? I have some important news," Beom said, excitedly.

"Jieun is finishing on a customer now. What is it?"

"We got a letter in the mail about an invitation to go and compete in the Energy Dance Competition. It'll be in three weeks."

"Are you lying to me?" Beom reassured her that everything was real. "I already have so many ideas for routine and I should let Yeojin so she could get the outfits started."

Beom couldn't help but smile at how enthusiastic Yin was getting. She would finally be able to get even more recognition for her choreography and being able to perform in a large competition was something that Yin had always wanted to do. She was starting the dream that she has had as a young girl.

"I'll let Jieun know when she is finished. I'll text all the others and rearrange for practice dates. We're going to need to work a lot harder now and get prepared for this next step."

Beom let out a chuckle at Yin's rambling. She sat there and listened to the female talk until she was able to get her words into the conversation.

"Why don't the three of us head out and do some karaoke? It could be our little celebration."

"Great, I'll text you when we get off and tell Jieun everything."

Hanging up the phone, Beom looked at herself in the mirror. She still had on her yellow button up pajamas. Her hair was ragged and didn't look like she was ready to go party in a karaoke room.

Following Kimchi into her room, the female began to dig through her closet to try and find some clothes to wear.

Whenever she found a shirt, there wasn't a pair of matching pants and when there was a pair of pants, there wasn't a matching shirt. She scrambled all around the room to find something that she could actually wear. She wasn't as careless as Yin was when it came to fashion.

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