Chapter 27

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Chaos was the only word to describe the members at the moment. The living room was trashed with piles of blankets and pillows scattered everywhere. They were all flopping around on top of them as Changbin and Minho were being extra loud.

"I'm the louder one," Changbin yelled as the others were covering their ears.

"What do you mean?" Minho yelled back.

Felix was off to the side, a pillow pressed against his ears, trying to block out the noise from their loud voices.

"Why do they always have to have yelling competitions," Hyunjin whined. He scooted over to where Felix was and flopped down next to him. His fingers poked the inside of his ear drums.

"Hyunjinnie," Changbin shouted. His eyes grew big and placed his hands on his cheeks, trying to seem cute to the younger male.

"Eww." Hyunjin stuck out his tongue at the older.

Felix and Hyunjin weren't the only ones having to deal with Minho and Changbin. Seungmin and Jisung were also sitting in the room. Jisung was currently knocking Minho in the head with a pillow after the male had let out a loud scream. Seungmin was on the other side of the room as he shook his head at the actions of the two.

"For one day, the two of you can't be quiet," Seungmin complained.

"Never!" Changbin shouted and stood up to go and tackle the younger. Seungmin struggled to free himself. He ended up grabbing Chan who walked into the room and pulled himself free from Changbin's grasp.

Chan watched their antics and started laughing. He moved out of Changbin's way to allow the male to chase after Seungmin again. The younger quickly fled out of the room as Changbin followed closely behind him.

They broke into Jeongin's room and leaped onto his bed. The male was current in his boxers after having just gotten out of the showers minutes before.

"What are you doing?" Jeongin asked as Changbin ran after Seungmin.

"Help me!" was all that Seungmin could cry before getting trapped in Changbin's arms. He squeezed the life out of the younger. Seungmin let out noises of struggling as he wiggled in the male's grasp.

Jeongin didn't move and allowed Seungmin to be hugged to death by the male. He was pulling a shirt over his head as his shoulders moved from his chuckling.

All of the members were home at the dorm today. The company had decided to allow them to rest a little before their upcoming comeback. They wanted to hang out with each other at the dorm.

3Racha had been very busy the past few weeks. They were working on repackaging their album that had been released earlier this year. They were constantly creating and checking in with the management, picking and choosing the right song to include on the album.

With this repackaged album, they decided to try a different method with a few of the songs. It would be their first time including unit songs, not including 3Racha's work beforehand.

3Racha would be working on a song called "We Go". It definitely fits the hip-hop concept. Jisung and Changbin would explode with their killing raps. This song was performed at their first concert as a special. The fans had been begging for it to release.

The next song was Danceracha's "Wow". The song and the dance that goes along with it were definitely made to be sexy. It would be one of the first songs that Stray Kids would do that was marked as sexy. None of their other songs perfectly fitted into this category as well as "Wow" did.

Lastly, there was "My Universe" sung by Vocalracha with Changbin being featured. It was more light hearted compared to the other two songs. It allowed the two vocalists to show off their beautiful voices and allowed Changbin to change his rap into something less dark and deep as he's done many times in the past.

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