Chapter 34

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The competition was finally over. There wasn't anything more than the girls had to stress about. The crazy thing is that they had actually won first place. That thought never fully settled in Beom's mind.

Her fingers stroked through the soft multi-colored fur of Kimchi laying on her lap. The TV wasn't on and her phone wasn't playing music as she normally would. Beom was just sitting there just thinking of everything throughout her life.

The one thing that was running around her brain the most was her younger sister. She was really missing Boreum at the moment. Seeing Yin and Yohan close all the time keeps hitting Beom hard. She wished that she could be the same with her own sibling.

She hoped that one day she could restore her relationship with her parents so she would be able to hang out with Boreum anytime she wanted. She hated having to hide it all the time and worry about getting caught.

The sound of a door flying open and slamming against the wall had caused Beom to come out of her thoughts. Jieun was running out of her room with her phone in her hands.

The female leapt right beside her and pushed the phone into her hands. She noticed that someone was on the phone. It wasn't a number that Jieun had saved in her phone. She wondered why Jieun was so excited to come rushing out of her room.

"This is a very important call," Jieun signed to her.

Beom nodded and took the phone and said, "Hello?"

What Beom didn't expect was an unfamiliar male voice to answer back. She glanced at Jieun wondering why she was talking to this random person.

"Is this Jieun that I'm speaking to?" he asked.

"Um... yes. She is right next to me. I'm Beom one of her friends. She is mute and can't speak," Beom said.

"Great, I was hoping to get a hold of you. I had seen Jieun's motivating speech on television after COS:MIC had won Energy Dance Competition. It inspired me and I wanted to reach out to you."

Beom was still confused about why he was wanting to talk to Jieun. There had to be something that Jieun hadn't told her yet about who this man was.

"Yes, she hasn't had the best childhood life."

"I'm actually a surgical doctor and have worked on a lot of patients before. I have had people very similar to the situation that Jieun is in. I believe that there might be a way for Jieun to regain her voice."

Now Beom knew why Jieun was so excited. Honestly, Beom couldn't believe it herself. Jieun had been turned away by many doctors before and could never find one that would be willing to operate on her throat. No one wanted to touch the scar tissue that lingered over her vocal cords.

"You're not just saying this," Beom clarified.

"I promise everything that I'm saying is true. I wouldn't be calling if it wasn't true. I'm actually in my office at the moment."

She turned to face Jieun. There was now a sparkle of hope that was in her eyes now that Beom hasn't seen in years. There was always something missing inside Jieun and now that light was beginning to shine once again.

"All I would need is to schedule a time when she can come in so we can do some scans of her body to help find the best possible way to treat her. We'll schedule the whole plan before, during, and recovery from her surgery."

Now was the time to start cheering. It was actually going to happen. The day that Jieun has been waiting for ever since her accident. She would be able to form words and communicate with people once again without having to use sign anymore.

"This is amazing!" Beom said. "When would be a possible opening to come in?"

Beom could hear him hum on the other side of the phone as he was finding an opening.

"I do have one opening for Friday around noon," he replied.

Jieun quickly nodded her head. She really wanted the closes possible time to start the process. She was signing things so fast that even Beom was having a hard time reading all the signals.

"That would be perfect," Beom told him.

"Great. I'll be expecting you then."

"By the way, I didn't catch your name at all."

"Sorry about that. You can just call me Dr. Kang. I work at the biggest surgical center here, so there shouldn't be too much trouble trying to find it."

"Jieun really wants to thank you, Dr. Kang. She never thought that something like this would happen. She had lost all hope a long time ago and seeing her now is totally healing."

"Well, I'm glad to help. I knew after seeing that there would be no way that I could leave her to suffer like that when I could be the one to help her. I tried pulling all the connects to get in contact with you all and I was finally able to call."

They said their goodbyes before Beom hung up the phone. It was now time to scream and jump around the room.

Yin heard all the commotion and peeked her head out of her door. She seemed to have just woken from a nap from her tangled messy hair.

"What is it?" she asked, rubbing her eyes.

"You wouldn't believe who just called Jieun," Beom said and ran over to her. "We got Jieun scheduled to get some scans done so she will be able to speak again."

Yin was quiet and didn't say anything, taking in what Beom had just said.

"You're joking, right?" Beom shook her head as Yin's once sleepy eyes grew wide. "I can't believe it! How did it all happen?"

They sat down on the couch together as Beom began to tell her the story of what just happened moments ago as Jieun couldn't help but pitch in a few times.

"Wow, Jieun. You really deserve this. I'm glad that you won't have to face your muteness for the rest of your life anymore."

They all pulled one another into a big hug and all of them were overjoyed at the moment. They couldn't be anymore happier for Jieun.

Jieun would disappear as she would go talk with her parents, and what Beom and Yin think is talking to Changbin as well. The male would definitely know from Jieun being unable to withhold anything kind of information about her life from the idol.

"I can't believe this is actually going to happen," Yin breathed.

"I just hope that whatever he was saying is really true. I don't want there to be any big risks that could happen while Jieun is in surgery. I don't want her to gain all her hope back for it to come crashing down again," Beom worried.

"Yeah, I understand. I guess we'll just have to see on Friday then."

All Beom wanted was for Jieun to be happy. She knew that there had to be some kind of risk that might happen if Jieun decides to go through with the surgery. Beom wouldn't be surprised if there was a risk that Jieun would never be able to talk ever again.

"Let's not think about all the bad things right now. Let's keep the thought of Jieun being able to talk. No bad thoughts clouding our minds," Yin said. It was almost as if she knew exactly what Beom was thinking.

"You're right. I'll try not to think about any complications. We must be strong for Jieun."

Beom stood up and walked over to Jieun's room. Her door was slightly cracked open, allowing her to see the female sitting on her bed. Her fingers were quickly tapping over her phone as she was texting someone.

Her ringtone played as Beom could hear Changbin's voice sound from the speaker. His excitement matched Jieun's as she was signing a little to him.

Beom stepped away with a smile on her face. She shouldn't be bothering them. It felt nice to see Jieun open up to someone else that was probably more special.

Nothing bad is going to cross her mind at the moment. Seeing Jieun smile very wide was more important at the moment. That spark is finally being lit once again.

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