Chapter 16

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All of COS:MIC was gathered in the practice room. They waited as Yin was finding the song on her phone. When the speakers blasted out the music, everyone could help but move along to the song.

"Alright, on your feet," Yin said.

Everyone gathered in the center of the room. Yin began to move people for the first formation. In the front line stood Jieun and Sumi. Right behind them were Beom and Hyerin as they made up a square formation. Between them, but on the outside stood Yeojin and Chaewon. Yin placed herself in the center of the square.

"Now you all will be turned to the back while I will start out the song. But you all will do this."

She played the song and turned around. She waited a couple of counts before her head shot up and then moved so that her ear would have touched her shoulder. She then turned and her arms came out and scooped down.

Everybody followed her movements as Yin stepped back and changed a few movements to make half of them go one way while the other side moved the other way.

Beom waited as Yin played the song as they all did the first part. Yin was in the center and right as the song played, she walked forward and threw her hands in the air as the others shot their heads up.

"I did the rest of the counts yesterday, so let me see the video to make sure I have everything correct," Yin said and slipped away.

The others talked with one another or got a drink of water just in time for Yin to show them the next part.

Beom followed each of Yin's movements as she demonstrated them. She would constantly go over every step and detail, making sure that everyone would have it down.

"I'll play the song and you can mark it while I'll show it full out."

Hitting play, Beom tried to match her movements to the song as she watched Yin. The female went hard and strong with her movements. Her power overflowed through the dance. Beom was impressed already with the dance.

Continuing to learn, their bodies started to become hot and their chests were beginning to hurt. Yin decided to allow them all to have a break.

Beom rushes over to her water and starts to quench her thirst. The others join in with her as Yeojin and Chaewon come up and sit right next to her.

"Chaewon," Beom says to the female. "Are you really going to take in Jaeyong?"

She didn't want to get the hopes of the mother up. She needed to be sure that Chaewon would actually take the child after school.

"Of course," Chaewon smiled. "I couldn't do that to them. Jaeyong needs a little care."

"Thank you," Beom forwards the message the mother had left with her. Chaewon waves her hands out and shakes her head.

"Beom, I have a question," Yeojin inserts herself into the conversation. "I was wondering if I should get some red streaks in my hair."

Beom loves to dye her hair. It allowed her to be creative and have many different styles. Her hair was a dirty blonde right now, but it was starting to fade and her roots were beginning to show.

"I think it would look nice," Beom said. "I've been thinking of changing my hair as well. I know a good place we can go to."

"That's nice. Tomorrow, do you want to head over to a salon?" Beom accepts her offer right as Yin calls everyone back to resume the practice.


Beom has been thinking all day about what color she should try and right as they were leaving the apartment, she finally picked. She didn't tell Jieun or Yin about the color, wanting to make it a surprise.

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