Chapter 23

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Watching Jieun collapse on the ground, Changbin began to freak out. He rushed to her side to catch her body before it would hit the ground. People began to stare at them and a few moved to ask if she was alright.

In his mind, Changbin's head was clouded. He simply nodded, not taking in what the strangers were asking.

He scrambled to find the female's phone and quickly turned it on. He hoped that he could call Beom or Yin to provide some help. He swiped up to see if the phone would open. To his luck, it had a password on it.

This is when he really started to panic. He scooped her body into his arms and took off in the direction of the nearest hospital.

He knew that he needed to get Jieun there quickly. He heard her telling him about the struggle to breathe and now her body wouldn't be getting enough oxygen.

He was having a hard time moving quickly with her in his arms. He fought through the pain with Jieun's health in his mind at all times.

Thankfully, it wasn't too bad. Changbin was someone who spent a lot of time at the gym working out. It would have been a lot harder if he wasn't currently working out.

It had felt like forever, but he finally made it inside the hospital. He ran over to the desk with Jieun in his arms.

"Please help," he said out of breath. "She collapsed on the sidewalk."

The workers immediately took her into a room and began to connect her to wires and tubes. A few of the nurses were talking to one another quietly.

One of them left as another one entered the room. She came over to Changbin with a smile on her face.

"I know Jieun. I've worked with her many times before," she told him. She left his side and rushed over to quickly command everyone there what they needed to do.

Changbin felt better knowing that she had helped Jieun before. She would know the correct ways to help Jieun recover.

Changbin was pushed to the side of the room, giving more room for the workers to move about to help Jieun. He couldn't remove his eyes from her body as she rested limply on the hospital bed.

They then hooked her up to a large machine as the computer screen stopped beeping and Jieun's chest began to move at a healthy rhythm. Changbin let out a sigh of relief.

All of the nurses began to move out of the room as Changbin came closer to the bedside. He rested his hand on top of her's which was hanging off the side.

It was quiet for a few minutes. The only sound that filled the room was the monitor beeping every so often.

Then the door slid open as two older folks came running inside. They rushed over to Jieun's side and began whispering encouraging words to the female.

"Who are you?" the male questioned.

"I'm a friend of Jieun. I was with her when she collapsed and brought her here," Changbin informed them.

The female rose up from her knees and moved over to him. She was about the same height as him as she wrapped her arms around his bulky body. Changbin was a little surprised by the gesture but accepted it.

"Thank you for being there for our daughter," she said with a crack in her voice.

"It was nothing. I didn't know exactly what was happening, but I made sure she got here quickly."

They all took a seat around the room as they waited for any information about Jieun. Her mother took the time to tell a couple of stories about her daughter.

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