Chapter 24

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The day was gloomy. There was rain pouring down from the dark gray clouds that hung in the sky. The streets were soaked with water with many large puddles scattered around the sidewalks.

Yin was walking down the sidewalk. She was left alone for once which allowed her what she wanted. She would put on a persona in front of Jieun and Beom, making them believe that she was alright when inside, she wasn't.

The situation with Byungho was eating at her brain. There was hardly a second that went by that she wasn't thinking about it. It was consuming her.

As Yin walked down the streets, there was an unfamiliarity with the area she was in, even though she had been there once before. It shouldn't be somewhere that felt foreign to her.

Yin spotted Byungho's house that sat on the side of the road. He had a decent looking place. It was touched up nicely on the outside with some nice landscaping of flowers and bushes. A couple of smaller trees also decorated the front lawn.

Walking up the pathway, she stopped right at the front. She was hesitating, hoping that this would go smoothly. Except, there was something that was eating her, knowing the truth of the whole argument. Yin just didn't want to accept the truth.

She thought back to all the good times that she and Byungho had with one another. He had really taken care of her throughout their time together. Why did he suddenly change? What made him tired of being with her and going off with another person?

Yin began to doubt herself. She wasn't pretty enough to keep her boyfriend glued to her side. This new girlfriend would be much prettier than she was. It made Byungho leave her to be with his new side partner.

The rain behind her was starting to come down more heavily. The overhang of Byungho's porch was protecting her from the harsh downpour of rain.

Yin then lifted her hand above the doorbell but froze. All the bad things run through her head, making her unable to find out the truth. She didn't want to know the truth of everything as she continuously kept dodging it in her mind.

Do I really want to do this? She asked herself.

Yin was split into two. She really did want to know why Byungho was so distinct, but there was a piece of her heart that still reached out to the male.

Yin let out a deep breath and placed her hand over the doorbell once again. Her hand was shaking as it neared the button. She couldn't make herself follow through by just pressing the simple button.

"You got this Yin. Doing this will answer all of your problems," she told herself words of encouragement.

With that, she finally rang the doorbell. She could hear it chiming inside as it took a moment before the door slowly inched open.

Standing right in front of her was a female who was about the same height as Yin. She had darker brown hair which was up in two buns on the side of her head. Along her slim body was a flowy white floral dress. It was decorated with a bunch of pinkish flowers and a ribbon was tied around her neck.

"Hello, may I help you?" she asked. Her voice was smooth as honey. She definitely was the complete opposite of Yin who was a lot more on the punk style with baggy clothing.

Seeing her there had confirmed every little one of Yin's assumptions. Byungho was seeing another girl. She didn't know if it was after their break or if they really had been together while Yin and Byungho were still together. It didn't change the fact that Byungho was still cheating on her.

Just then, Byungho appeared at the door. He was wearing a silk white shirt that was barely hanging onto his body as the few top buttons were undone. His pants were black slacks and his black hair was messily brushing over the tops of his eyes.

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