Chapter 33

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Being rushed off stage, she clutched her chest. It was like her lungs were tearing her open trying to get air. Tears pricked the sides of her eyes as a water bottle was shoved into her hand.

"Drink it," Yin's voice pulled her from her thoughts. "Beom's running to get your inhaler."

Only giving her a slight nod, Jieun hydrated her body, hoping that the water would calm her screaming lungs. It was flashing down her throat as half the bottle was empty by the time she pulled it free from her mouth.

"Here, Jieun." Her inhaler was thrown into her hands as she placed the device to her lips. The air felt soothing as her lungs calmed down.

Beom ran her fingers through Jieun's hair. She whispered soft words in her ear to help calm her down.

"Feeling better?" Beom signed as Jieun gave her a nod. Her lungs still felt sore, but luckily her breathing calmed for her to breathe normally.

"Don't scare us like that again," Yeojin joked as she tapped her shoulder.

"I sometimes forget that Jieun has breathing problems. Thank Beom for always reminding her about her inhaler," Sumi stated.

Jieun wasn't used to this attention. She waved her hands and stood up. She wanted to go back now. Some of the people backstage were giving her worried glances. She didn't want to be the center of attention.

Holding her hand, Beom took the lead as they made their way back to the dressing rooms. Jieun glanced around at the people in the hallways as they talked about the recent incident.

"How is she a dancer if she can hardly breathe?"

Thanks to Yin, she was able to give them a harsh stare before they ducked their heads and wandered off.

Reaching back to her bags, Jieun quickly goes to her phone and sees a message from Changbin. Her heart twitched as she read his worrying message.

She quickly replied back to him, letting him know that she was completely fine. She thanked him and all his group members for coming to watch during their busy schedules.

Nice to know that you're okay. I was just worried since the last time you passed out on me.

Beom always had my inhaler in her bag. She cares for me better than myself.

Smiling to herself, she slips the phone away and enjoying the break from dancing. Coming off the stage always gives you a rush of adrenaline. Her heart was still beating quickly.

It was now a waiting game. There were a few more dances to go before the judges would step out and decide on the winners.

"I'm so nervous," Sumi sat down on the floor. "I've never been this nervous before."

"Don't worry too much. We had fun on stage and that is what matters," Beom lightened the mood.

"Let's go watch the remaining dances so we're ready when the judges have finished," Yin said as they all followed the female out of the dressing rooms.

Jieun could hardly stop her heart from beating. Her nerves were getting to her as she felt the butterflies pounding in her stomach. She gripped them, hoping it would stop.

They found a place near the front where the second to last dance was performed. There was a large group of people on the stage as they danced to an upbeat song. Their faces weren't the greatest as half of them weren't even smiling.

Jieun felt Beom grabbing her hand. She turned to look at the ashy blue hair that covered her face. She could tell that Beom was trying to make her feel less nervous. It was like her feelings were radiating out of her.

The last dance of the night finished performing as the judges disappeared. The audience started to talk more as the room began to fill with noise. Other groups started to appear as well, waiting for the final results.

After what seemed like forever, the judges appeared and gave the results to the announcer. They got the attention of the crowd as the background music died down.

"I want to say that everyone did an amazing up on stage. I'm sure the judges had a hard time picking the winners of tonight's dance competition."

Jieun grabbed Beom's hand harder. She also took Yin's hand, which was on the other side of her.

"I'll announce the top winners tonight."

Pulling open a paper, he moved forward an inch to place his mouth next to the microphone. "In third place we have... Step Up Dance for their beautiful contemporary piece."

The group jumped up and cheered as they made their way to the stage to accept their award.

"Second place goes to ICE for their jazz performance."

It was now time for first place. Jieun wasn't wishing too much for their names to be called. It would be great if their name was written on that paper.

"And now finally, first place." He stopped to wait a second before speaking again. "This year's Energy Dance Competition winners are..."

Their hands were squeezing one another so tight that Jieun could barely feel her hand anymore.


They were shocked. They actually won the competition. None of them moved for a second as the crows erupted into cheers and applause.

Finally, Yeojin was the first to move. She pulled them up to the stage as they accepted the award. They bowed to the announcer and then to the judges before giving one more to the audience.

The mic was now open for them to give a speech. They all pushed Yin forward as this was mainly all from her.

"I don't know what to say, but thank you for this award. There were lots of hardships that happened from the time we received our invitation. We've had two of our members unable to continue in their dance life as their other lives grew harder. I've pushed them so much that I'm surprised that they haven't killed me."

The audience joined in the laughter that the girls did as Yin looked back at them.

"I was the one who put this piece together and it wasn't easy. There were many things happening in my life as well, but dancing was my escape. I turned to dance whenever I was in trouble as it helped me see the light at the end of the tunnel.

"I also want to thank Beom and Yeojin for supplying everyone with outfits as well as hair and makeup. We wouldn't look as nice without you two. Thank you for this award once again."

She looked around for anyone else who wanted to say something. All of them shook their heads except for Jieun as she stepped up to the microphone. Jieun would start with signing as Yin translated it to the audience.

"From an early age, my life was changed. I wouldn't be able to speak again. I had to learn a whole new language to communicate. I gave up on life as I hated the communication barrier."

As soon as they saw Jieun signing, the room grew silent. Their gazes were pinned on Jieun.

"I then met two of the most important people who changed my life. They showed my outlet through dance. I could talk without using words. It has changed my life and it quickly became a passion of mine. Thank you for this award as it showed me that I have surpassed my injury."

As Yin stepped away from the mic, the whole room was filled with hollers and clapping. They were moved by Jieun's speech.

As they came down the stairs, they couldn't stop the smiles from appearing on their faces. Happiness was raging inside of them and it couldn't be contained.

"Amazing job everyone," Sumi said as they all came together and engulfed one another in a hug.

Before they pulled away a couple of people walked toward them. They had wide grins on their faces. Chaewon and Hyerin came running over to them and congratulated them.

"You deserved it. That was an awesome performance," Hyerin said.

"I wasn't here when you performed but I rushed here to hear the announcements," Chaewon stated.

"I wished you both could have been a part of it," Yeojin said as they pulled them into a big group hug.

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