Chapter 8

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"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight," Yin counted out loud as everyone did the steps as directed.

They were at the studio getting one last practice before they would perform tomorrow in their busking event. Cleaning up just a few steps that anybody could be missing to make sure everything was perfect.

Jieun was excited for tomorrow. All of the other members were constantly teasing her about a certain male that would appear to watch her.

She didn't have very many friends. For most of her life, it was only Beom and Yin. It wasn't until the two of them brought others to form COS:MIC that she met a few others. Even now, she isn't too close with some of them since they can't communicate with her.

Jieun was ready to fall asleep until it was time to leave to go busk. It was already evening and the girls had been there for a good couple of hours.

Yin had all of the songs planned out that they were performing. There would be a few covers and then a few that Yin choreographed herself.

"Chaewon, your foot needs to be pointing inward. Don't face it towards the front," Yin commented. Chaewon shuffled her foot and made sure she matched with the others.

"It is getting really late, Yin. I think the dances will be amazing tomorrow, " Beom signed and spoke.

The female frowned but understood that they were becoming exhausted. "We'll do this dance one last time as then we can go," Yin promised. They all cheered at those words.

Right before she played the music, her phone's ringtone blasted out. Jieun was shocked and scooted out as they continued to dance.

She picked it up and saw the caller's ID and her eyes widened. It was an older friend of hers. They didn't really talk with her much since both of them are busy most of the time.

"Wooyeon?" she signed through the video call.

"Jieun, it is nice to talk to you again," his deep voice rang through the phone.

She and Wooyeon have known each other since they were little. He was like a brother to her. He was always there whenever Jieun was going through hardship, especially when she lost her voice. His presence was always able to calm her down.

"Why have you called?" Jieun had placed the phone awkwardly in between her knees.

"I wanted to ask when your next busking event is going to be?" His ink cover body was clearly shown on the phone in front of her. His long black hair covered one of his eyes.

"Actually, we're having one tomorrow if you want to come. We'll be on the sidewalk in Hongdae. You can call me to find our exact location."

"Alright, I'll be there." He began to show a wide grin. "How are Beom and Yin doing?"

"We're doing one last practice before tomorrow." Jieun flipped the camera and showed the practice room. The girls are getting ready to finish the dance routine as they were dancing the final part and when the song ended, all of the girls began to flop onto the ground.

"I guess I got a little sneak peek."

They would soon say their goodbyes as Jieun hung up the phone. She stood onto her feet and made her way back over to join the exhausted girls.

"Who was that?" Yin asked.

"Wooyeon," Jieun replied.

"What was he calling about?" Beom popped over her shoulder and quickly signed her question.

"He wanted to know when our next busking event is. He'll be coming to our event tomorrow,"

Beom quickly translated the information to the other girls so they would know what they are talking about. The girls were quickly interested in this new male coming to see Jieun. It was first Changbin and now they are curious about Wooyeon.

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