Chapter 19

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Outside felt gloomy. There was a light drizzle of rain as a chill wind also blew around. Yin walked with Jieun at her side as they were on their way to work.

Yin is going to be facing Byungho today. She couldn't stand back anymore and just needed to get answers from the male. Her heart was tended to asking now was a perfect time.

She didn't tell Jieun what she was planning on when arriving, but when opening the doors, the female noticed Yin's body language.

She placed her hands on her shoulder to stop her. Yin removed it and flashed a quick smile.

"I'll be alright," she reassured her.

Yin moved to the back door which would lead right into Byungho's office. She stood in front of it for a couple of seconds before gathering her courage to turn the doorknob. The metal felt colder than before as she twisted it and pushed the door open.

The male inside raised his head to see who had come inside. Byyngho didn't seem to be excited or disappointed with her presence. He just stared right at her.

"Can we talk?" Yin said first.

She moved closer to him when he nodded his head. Her arms came up and wrapped together in front of her chest. A deadly glare left her eyes.

"Why didn't you answer any of my texts? I've been sending messages to you the past couple of days and I got nothing. I saw that you read them."

Byungho set the pen he was using to pay his full attention to Yin. "You wanted your space and I was giving it to you. I didn't know if you were texting out of anger or not."

"Did my texts seem like it was anger?" Yin gave him a disapproving look.

    She pulled her phone out and unlocked it to go to the messages where she was sending to Byungho. She scrolled through them before reading them out loud for the male to judge for himself.

    "Can we get together and talk?"

    "I think I'm ready to talk about our relationship."

    "Why aren't you answering me?"

    "Can we please talk to each other?"

    Byungho sat there in silence, not answering her question. His expression didn't change. His look was filled with no emotions as he rocked from side to side in his chair.

    Yin dropped her arm and sighed. "Do you still care about me?" she asked. She was hoping he would be truthful. She just wanted an answer to see if she should end all of this. It was becoming tiring thinking about it all day and all night.

    "I still do care about you," Byungho said.

    Yin's eyes dropped. His whole body actions didn't match the words he was stating. Nothing seemed like he still had feelings towards Yin.

    "I don't believe you."

    "I'm telling you the truth, Yin. I still care about you. If I didn't we wouldn't be having this conversation and I would have kicked you out when we were fighting."

    "That isn't relationship wise," Yin told him.

    She was beginning to think that Byungho didn't like her romantically anymore. He might see her as a friend or a coworker, not as a partner. She needed to get another thought laid down. She needed to know his answer and she didn't want to keep providing lies to herself when she could ask him straight.

    "I want a straight answer and nothing to sidetrack it, okay?" Yin locked their eyes together as he gave a slight nod. "Are you seeing someone else?"

    Byungho's eyes grew at the words that left her mouth. His hand slammed on the desk. "Why would you think that? You're my one and only Yin. We have a great relationship before you started all of this bullshit."

    "What do you mean bullshit?" Yin glared at him. "This is all happening because of me? You're the one who is ruining this relationship. If I was your one and only, how come you never did anything to support me outside of work."

    "We spent plenty of time together watching movies, shopping, and being at the dance studio."

    "I've only been to your place once since you're so secretive over it. You've never come to my busking events and you are becoming more distant that we only saw one another here in the parlor."

    "I get busy sometimes. You have to realize I can't spend every moment with you."

    Yin squeezed her hands into a fist as they were becoming numb from her anger. She hoped that none of the customers could hear them from out there since they were almost yelling at one another at the top of their lungs.

    "I guess it was a mistake to come in here to talk to you. This isn't doing anything but making both of us angrier," Yin snickered.

    Inside, she still felt different about Byungho. She didn't believe any of the words that left his mouth. There wasn't any change in the look of his eyes as they argued. Yin believed that she was right about him starting a new relationship. There was no other explanation for his actions.

    With the argument, he never stated that he wanted them to stay together. He would just say that he wasn't cheating on her during the time they were together.

    Yin turned and stomped out of the room. Her hands were still balled into a fist as her nails left imprints on her skin as they were red, almost getting ready to bleed from the torn skin.

    She just hoped that it was herself that was making the situation worst. She wanted to convince herself that Byungho's words were genuine and that she was just making up the worst situation, but even if that was the case, she didn't think that the male would want to be with her after this. Their relationship would be destroyed by this argument.

    She came out of the back and looked out the window. The rain was pouring down from the clouds even more. There was a dark gray haze that filled the streets as people walked down the sidewalks with their umbrellas.

    It felt as if the weather matched her mood. She wondered why the world was filling upset as it rained in the city.

    Yin glanced over to the room where Jieun was working on someone. The person was a female as she was talking about nonsense and Jieun looked like she wished she had become deaf instead of mute. She was forced to listen to the girl's rambling.

    Yin didn't want to disrupt them to speak to Jieun so she turned to face the window again. She moved to the front doors and gripped the handle. She pushed it open and allowed the cold water to soak her as she stepped outside.

She didn't care about the rain. She felt connected to it as her hair slowly stuck onto her face. The makeup that was put on that morning was beginning to run down her cheeks not only from the rain, but all the couple of tears that welled up in her eyes.

She wasn't one to cry, but this was hurting her too much. She had cried over that man more than she has ever in her life. She was beginning to hate herself for it. She should be glad that she can be free from his grip on her.

Maybe it was time to stop all of this. If she couldn't get along with Byungho through this then she doesn't trust him enough. They shouldn't be with one another.

Yin needed to set aside her feelings that have been there for the years they've been together and tell herself that Byungho isn't good for her anymore. She couldn't have any doubts about him if they would get back together, but she knew that these questions wouldn't disappear quickly.

The bell of the door rang as it grasps Yin's attention. Jieun stood there with an umbrella over her head as she moved to stand above Yin. It didn't matter much anymore as she was already soaked.

Yin saw a bit of Jieun trying to speak with her, but she turned her head and stood up onto her feet. She was directed back inside with the warmth of the air.

Yin sat in one of the empty rooms as she shivered a little from the coldness of her wet clothes. Jieun sat next to her and held her hand without trying to ask about anything which was what Yin needed. She just wanted the comfort and not the lecture.

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