Chapter 20

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The day felt nice. The sun was high in the sky as it cast down its warmth onto the earth. Beom was walking down the sidewalk as she held Jaeyong's hand. They were on their way to Chaewon's house as it would be his first time to be watched by the female.

"Are you excited to meet all the other kids?" Beom asked.

"Yes!" His high pitched voice squealed.

He kept skipping down the sidewalk until they stopped in front of Chaewon's door. Beom pressed the doorbell and waited a minute before she was greeted by the familiar face.

"Hello. You must be Jaeyong," She smiled as she crouched down to meet the kid's height. She held out her hand for him to shake in which Jaeyong used both his hands and gave a small shake.

"His mother had gotten busy at work so I picked him up and brought him here," Beom told her.

"Are there a lot of other kids?" Jaeyong asked. His eyes grew big as he tried to see if there were any other kids behind the doorway.

Beom followed Chaewon as she also reduced her height to speak closely to the kid. "Actually, I have a younger sister. She goes here and I'll bet the two of you will make great friends. She might actually be inside right now."

Chaewon invited them inside and the two removed their shoes before continuing. She led them to the back where a room was filled with plenty of different kinds of toys. There were cars, dinosaurs, dolls, and plenty of stuffed animals.

"So many toys!" Jaeyong clapped his hands.

Chaewon was speaking with the kid to introduce him to all of the other kids as Beom looked around the room, searching for a particular someone. She couldn't suppress her smile when the large eyed kid come running over to her.

"Beom!" She wrapped her arms around her as Beom picked her up and span around in the air. "I missed you."

Beom set the girl back down on the ground and placed her hands on her cheeks. "I missed you too, Boreum."

Beom hardly ever could see her younger sister. She didn't have a good relationship with her parents. They never supported her dreams. They wished for her to go to college and quit dancing altogether. When they kept nagging at her, Beom eventually disappeared from the house and didn't come back.

Before she had left, she did recommend that Chaewon would watch over Boreum. It became very helpful later on so that Beom could still visit with her sister without their parents knowing.

Beom was always missing her younger sister. Boreum was one of the hardest reasons for leaving her home. She would always have the widest smile that shone brighter than the sun. She was very friendly to everyone and loved playing with toys.

"Beom, come see what I'm drawing," She said as she took her arm and began to drag her over to the table she was working at.

Laying on the table, a white paper was there with a bunch of colorful scribbles all over it. Boreum showed the drawing with a big smile on her face.

"It is the two of us together," she said.

"It looks very lovely. I couldn't do it any better," Beom commented.

Chaewon then made her way over to them. She had Jaeyong's hand as she would have him meet Boreum.

"Jaeyong," Beom called. "This is my little sister, Boreum. I believe the two of you will become best friends. Won't you?" She turned to look at the little girl and she gave her an enthusiastic nod of her head.

"I know where everything here. I can show you everything!" Boreum took ahold of his hand. Jaeyong seemed a little taken back, but ended up smiling as the two skipped away from them and went to look at all the toys piled up in the back.

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