soon, training.

7 2 9

In the end I added just a bit of what Benedict called 'spice' by attempting a dashing and flirtatious smile which, given my scrawny and somewhat unhealthy appearance, I thought would be completely lost on any kind of romantic prospect, but it was enough to get me past that inevitable obstacle, at least in the eyes of Benedict, so the crash coarse in manners finally ended.

"Alright ladies." He now refused to refer to our elder brothers as a group in any fashion other than that title. "You will now have the lovely responsibility of training your chosen to one day become your battle partner."

A smattering of dark mischievous chuckles met the man's statement, I watched a grin spread across Percy's face and felt deep seated fear roll through me.

"Oh god." I heard someone mutter to my right, I believe it was Harry, but I was too wrapped up in my sudden misgivings to be sure. 

"So, first on your collective agenda is to whip these walking skeletons into shape, they need a bit of muscle for what is to come." Benedict said, pitching his voice down in the last half of the sentence, causing further unease to filter throughout the room. 

In the name of courage.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon