Fall in pt.2

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Benedict, upon noticing our ready stance, grunted as he regained his feet, moved from where he had been slouching in the grass and walked toward us. He scrutinized us with a theatrically cynical expression as he sauntered up and down and through our respective ranks. He made an occasional ponderous humming sound as he passed me and my fellows. Finally he stopped and nodded, a grin spreading over his features. 

"Good on you gents..." He paused for a moment before adding as an afterthought "...And ladies." The older men in our group groaned in anguish and capitulation. I chuckled silently in response to the dejected dropping of Percy's Shoulders. 

"It'll never get old." Benedict said just loud enough for the attentive crowd to hear. "Anyway.." He said, bringing the lot of us back to the present. "You all formed up very well, take stock of where you are lads, I do think this shall be our drill formation." I looked around and saw Percy on my right, Mutt and stubby on my left down the line. 

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