manners *Belch*

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"All right gents, as of today, you all can read, write and do the Baseline of arithmetic that modern knighthood requires, we may now move on to basic weaponry and battle tactics." Benedict announced to the class, which brought on a significant bout of cheers from the onlookers. "But first you must learn the basics of manners." A smattering of groans met this statement. "Come now gents, as knights of the Audux you will occasionally be in the presence of Barons, dukes, lords, and ladies, not to mention you will all, at some point, require the charms of a lady of your own." A few wolf whistles met this statement.

"See gents, I would wager a woman worth her salt wouldn't find that very flattering. I can say that because I'm the only one among you that has clearly had any success in the matter." Benedict admonished, a few embarrassed chuckles rang out from the culprits who had the decency to at least seem a little sheepish. 

"Now, My dear daughter has graciously volunteered to be your crash test dummy..." At that moment Constance walked in looking very pleased with herself in having a sliver of authority. "And..." He said loudly talking more to his daughter than anyone else. "I trust these lessons will be one of the few interactions that the lot of you ever have with each other." while all of my peers and I mumbled our ascent I noticed that Constance looked both embarrassed and mildly disappointed by the statement.

"Grand, Now...Arthur would you like to show everyone how it is done." I reddened and cringed back into the table, hating the idea of the lime light, but I stood anyway, following the commands of the man that had essentially become a figure in my life where there had always been an immeasurable absence, a figure that closely reassembled that of a father.

"Good on you." He whispered to me as I passed, obviously having seen my moment's hesitation. I nodded discreetly in response and stood straight next to Constance who lightly punched me in the arm behind her fathers turned back.

"Alright." He called loudly, redirecting the attention of the wandering minds of my brethren. "There are certain etiquette's one must follow in differing situations, such as whether the person you are talking to is male or female, what rank they lie in compared to yours, whether they are friend, acquaintance, or stranger, and likely most importantly to you lot, whether you wish to court them or not." A smattering of laughter made up the collective response to this declaration.

"Ey. Ok Arthur, greet my daughter as if she was an acquainted married woman of higher rank in polite company."

Constance held out her hand much as her mother had done to me a month before. I took it in my own, bending low over it and resting my chin on the back of her hand near her fingers.

"Ah nicely done." Benedict said. "Are you aware of how one would greet a girl they wished to engage romantically in." I gulped and looked at the now flushed Constance.

"No sir"

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