Nomiature pt 1

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I stuttered in my gait, nearly stumbling over a cobblestone. 

"Blessed?" I asked, dumbfounded. This time it was Percy's turn to frustrate me with his theatrics.

"You will see, young one, you will see." I rolled my eyes. 

"Why must you torture me." I said, once again matching his vigor with my response. 


Slowly, we made our way out of the back door in the stables that we had taken the day before. trekking across the field toward the wooded area they had rampaged out of. As we walked I felt the air get incrementally warmer, as if the seasons slowly ceased to have any credence on one another and intermingled together. Eventually we made it to the forest, there was a series of small arches made from tightly intertwining branches that created a corridor through the woods. I trailed behind the two parents, waiting a few moments after Rosy stepped inside holding her daughter close to her chest before walking inside myself. 

I crossed my arms, oddly feeling goosebumps cover them as the climate became more and more temperate. finally as the two parents disappeared into a room at the end of the tunnel the corridor filled with a warm yellow light. It dazzled me

As I filed in behind them I gasped in wonder.

"It's beautiful." I muttered. Amazed

Copses of trees twisted together, then twisted with their neighbors to form an intricate network of interlocking trunks and branches, creating a dome of wood and leaves. This dome surrounded a small field of fluffy green grass  covered with dark teal flowers, they swayed in the movement of air our entrance allowed. Shafts of golden light beamed down from areas where the canopy above seemed to swirl in deliberate circular patterns, creating a picturesque epitrochoid. It resembled that of a rose window born of negative space, taking on the ever changing trend of the sky above. Looking back down I saw the flours closing and opening in a pulsating fashion, each plant's rate slightly different from the last. With each beat the flowers released a cloud of large glowing golden pollen which floated around the dome in a swirling ark, following the breaths of the few people in the space. I looked at the walls of trees and saw a few lanterns that were filled with the bio-luminescent powder dangling casually from various lower hanging limbs.

I turned about on my toes, careful not to crush any flowers, slowly taking in the sight of beauty, trying to stuff it into my eyes all at once, feeling the urge to memorize its sloping wooden walls and the supple green grass, while simultaneously feeling filthy in the presence of its Majesty. The children had stopped their crying and were now burbling in awe. 

I looked to the center of the room to see a lone spring of water, a large mortar and pestle as well as a bucket of steaming water.

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