herb run

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Suddenly as Benedict straitened up full and made to go to the front of the room again Mary burst into the room. Panting while pressing a hand to her rounded stomach

"OI, Rosy, Home, Now." I was confused for a moment but the high that suddenly shone on Percy's face and the understanding that graced the visage of every father in the room clued me in pretty quickly. My family was growing that instant.

"Go on you two you'll just have to catch up tomorrow." Benedict shooed them out of the hall. "Though I may let it slide if you give me an early peek at my grandchild." He added under his breath before closing the door behind us. 

I smiled slightly then schooled my face and looked to Mary for direction.

"My house, boil water, hop to." Percy nodded and darted off. I moved to follow but her firm grip caught my shoulder. 

"He can do that you need to help me collect some herbs I'm low on." I opened my mouth to question her but she bustled away.

"Mug wart, I need to grab a couple stocks of the stuff, might as well get a bit of wormwood while I'm at it." She muttered to herself as I ran to catch up. She huffed and snapped her fingers a couple times. "Ah yes and some penny royal."

In the name of courage.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat