After the cat

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"After the what?"  I stared at Percy who shrugged once and laughed quietly

"Come now Rosy, must you ruin the fun."

"Indeed I must, it seems." She giggled before coming back around me to sidle up to her husband, thankfully distracted from poking at me further.

"Uhhhhh, why was I named after a cat?"

Rosy looked me up and down once before pursing her lips and sauntering inside after a slight rummaging sound and a few calling coos she came back outside with the scruffy white cat.

"You named me after that poncy thing.

"Well aren't you just twins then." Rosy snarked back before sighing and bringing the scrawny cat up next to my head.

"Same eyes, same hair, same build, same personality, seemed a perfect fit to me." Percy commented from behind his wife. Both the cat and I gave him our best look 

"Well then that settles that, come inside Arthur I'm certain some of Percy's old things will fit you, so that your not standing around naked in the presence of a lady."

I flushed at the comment. 

"S-sorry." I murmured, feeling ridiculously out of touch.

"Only joking dear you aren't my first stray."

"Clearly." I muttered back with a teasing half smile.

"Ey enough chatter lets get you out of the cold, I'll make you something warm to eat while Percy roots through his clothes." She and Percy led me inside and after doing a head count of all of their fauna residents, closed the door. 

I was once again amazed at my surroundings, the simplicity and the coziness easily made this my new favorite place in the whole of Terimon, it already felt like home. A word I never thought I would be able to have for myself again. 

Rosy sat me down in a chair that was surrounded by napping animals. I watched the little fawn curl into the side of the dog breathing peacefully, the three crows surrounded the pigeon in a similar fashion. The three cats were all sprawled by the warm fire stretching languidly as their mistress bustled around them throwing grains and water into the cauldron over the embers. 

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