Boar hunt pt.2

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The birds settled one after another on the back of the blood hound cooing their separate songs as they sensed the rising sun and the coming dawn. Dillon and Macushla gently batted each others faces as they two began to enter a state of wakefulness. I rubbed my eyes and yawned loudly, I knew I had only an hour left of prospective sleep and leaned back onto my pillow intending to milk every moment of oblivion. The various creatures arranged themselves around me and dropping off one by one.


I awoke again maybe fifteen minutes later the sound of a hissing voice receding once again as the relative blankness of sleep melts off of my once again. The venomous whisper of  "coming and "again" echoed in my ears. I sat up slowly this time, turning my head rhythmically taking in every corner of the room, nothing. I fixated on a patch of sun that leaked through the shutters on the windows I watched as it slowly traveled to illuminate the back of my hand where a still pink scar ran from my first knuckle to the painfully visible bone in my wrist. I had been given double shares of food since I had gotten to the house Audux given my body was nothing more than a bag of bones, yet I still went almost completely unchanged. The training that I had undergone in the last week with Percy and Wild had also been similarly unsuccessful.

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