the next morning

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The next morning dawned cold and crisp, I had no Idea how I had gotten undressed or into bed, but I chose not to wonder, for fear of remembering all that was wrong with the world, with life, with me. It had come back to haunt me. 

I thought I was getting past it, even though it had only been a day and a half I was enamored with this sheltered happy life that I had been given, even for a short amount of time before I had to fight and possibly die in battle. I thought I had escaped it.

I looked over to see the animals of the house had all gathered around my cot, I took comfort in the fact that at least they didn't find my out burst that repulsive. I looked down to see the cats purring in a pile on my stomach, for the first time since coming home last night I allowed myself a small smile.

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