Fighting stance

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I straightened as Benedict suddenly cleared his throat.

"Alright you can stop goggling at your brothers, they are all just as scrawny as you." He said to the awaiting mass, this elicited a few chuckles and the occasional grunt of self deprecating amusement from the throats all who gathered, our minds anticipating the task to come, collectively tensing our muscle in preparation for it. Benedict, seeming satisfied with the increasing silence and the air of determination that was blossoming around  his men, nodded his head and called to us.

"Alright, Older boys, or should I say ladies Fall out of line, gents remaining, squish in." We did as we were told allowing our battle brothers to break rank and group themselves behind Benedict.

"Bring yourself to a ready stance." All of us obeyed, bringing our feet into a ready stance and putting our left hands behind our backs and our right to rest on our empty (and at this point, imaginary) scabbards in what we had previously known to be our role call rest, But Benedict shook his head. 

"From now on this is your parade rest, whenever drills are to be performed you will instead stand like this in lo of a rest position ." He turned to his right slightly, letting his left foot drop in front of his right He extended his right arm slightly at the elbow and let his wrist flex up, as if he were wielding a sword in a ready fighting stance 

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