A second supper

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The children stopped abruptly and ran back to their respective guardians as soon as Benedict appeared, all who were able stood and looked to where he was at the head table.

Together as if in one voice they all said.

"IN NOMINE VIRTUTIS!" It was a phrase that struck a cord in my soul, a phrase that pushed me to action, a phrase that was carved into the stone above the door as well as stitched into the tapestry.

immediately the somber atmosphere dissipated and every one resumed their festivities.

"Huh, what was that?" 

"It's the Audux motto." Rosy replied.

"What does it mean?" I asked curiously.

"Something along the lines of, for courage or something like that." Percy answered


 The feast presented before me was unlike any other, of course I hadn't had a proper meal in years so every scrap of food I was given felt a taste of heaven. After consuming all that I was allowed I sniffed and took a sip of the mug that was laid before me. I nearly choked as the almost syrupy consistency of the mead slid down my throat. After the initial coughing fit I was able to take another sip allowing it to slide down my throat slowly. 

The evening was winding down, Wild was wrangling his kids and Thomas (His claimed) was dutifully trying to help while Mary cleared all of their dirty dishes to the end of the table.

"Lets be off, you need to get proper rest." Percy said pointedly to his wife who was sagging against him. 

"Ey, one second." She stood and sauntered toward Benedict who gave her a swift hug and ushered her back to her husband 

"I need to return this." I said and held it out to him.

"No, you'll need it again eventually." and then he was turned and gone I wasn't even able to protest. 

I looked down and fingered at the silver embroidery and small white beads that adorned the piece.

"All set to go."

We left for home and as I lay on a cot by the dying coals, surrounded by snoozing tamed beasts of all kinds my nightmares tormented me a little less, one could even say a happy ending could be sensed on the horizon.

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