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I awoke to a quiet babbling sound and looked through my weary and bleary vision to Percy gently holding a soaked rag to Patience's lips while Will clutched at the air, looking increasingly upset that it wasn't his turn.

Percy looked up to where I sat up, a question on my face.

"She needed a break." Was all he said by way of an answer a small fond smile touching his lips, though there was a tiny hint of worry in his eyes. I got up and padded over to where he was leaning against the wall and sat cross legged across from him. I picked up the other cloth that was draped next to the squirming figure of Will and soaked it in the warm bowl of milk in between us. I took him in my arms and rocked him gently as I put the wet cloth to his mouth in a practiced maneuver due to the month in close proximity to these children. 

Will shifted in relief as his hunger pangs were fought off by the flow of milk into his stomach. I sigh as the burbling is cut off by his small cry of pleasure and then silence. I look to Percy as he settles Patience more comfortably in his arms. I once again noticed the flash of worry in his eyes and cocked my head to the side. 

"What troubles you?" He shakes his head, seeming to jolt himself back to reality. 

"It's just ... she seems agitated about something, and I don't know what it is." there is a shadow of a lie in his eyes and I cock my head in the universal signal of skepticism 

"Well... It's just these dreams... I think they stem from worry, but they seem to be reoccurring, and it's... costing her sleep. It's troubling." 

I nod, surprised slightly at the admission, but I shrugged mentally, I will take what I can get. 

"I don't know what to say to that, but... I'll try to help out anyway I can?" I ended what was originally supposed to be a statement as a question. I didn't know how to assist, it was almost like when the twins were born all over again except there was no one to instruct me, I felt like I was flailing in the dark. I hate being helpless and I can only imagine what Percy feels like. 

I reach a slightly trembling hand forward and clasp my friend's shoulder.

"I'm curtain it will resolve itself."

He nods but looks unconvinced.

Just then a horrible wailing cry, a heart rending plea for mercy sounds from upstairs, startling the children, who had begun to doze into wakefulness. Patience swiftly placed into my arms and Percy bolts upstairs. I follow out a sense of instinct though I know decency dictates I ought to remain where I am. I watched Percy lightly shake Rosy from her half asleep grief. She startles awake, her panicked, agonized gaze catching mine for a millisecond before she recognizes the man clasping her. She caresses his side, just below his rib cage, babbling in apparent relief before thrusting herself into his embrace before bursting into tears, broken, terrible sobs wracking her body. 

In the name of courage.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora