"What?" I asked suspiciously. Sge even laughed amusedly.

"Max, I know you...had a long night," she said. "You look radiant!"

I smiled shyly.

"What you said earlier... it's true. Especially when my parents couldn't even go for a walk alone. Sometimes I acted like a naughty teenager just to give them a reason to yell at me. It's sad, I know."

"Chloe, you're a great daughter. You're kind and sensitive, when you don't even need to be," I said.

"Believe me, I still get angry. Especially when a nurse has to watch when I poop, so she can wipe my bottom. Or when the doctor turns me over as if I were a science dummy."

"I can't even imagine... But you're still amazing. You've always been like that since we were little."

Chloe smiled. "Thanks again for coming, Max. I, uh... need a drink. Can you bring me some water?"

I got up from the chair and picked up the paper cup on the table.

I gave Chloe a cup of water on the nightstand.

"Drink, buttercup."

Chloe drinks from a straw. "Oh my, no wonder my throat is dry. I don't think I've talked this much all year."

"Have you ever thought about doing a podcast or something?"

"Wish I could punch you in the face right now. Podcast? Dude, I'm a pod in a cast. Boring."

"Ouch. It was just a thought."

Chloe smiled. "I know you're just trying to help."

"Yeah, it's become a bad habit of mine."

"You sound like an adult now. It's like we were children in another life."

I sat on the chair again. "You're right... I wish I could take us all the way there again."

"I wish I could build...a DeLorean for us."

"Well, um, with your scientific mind, you could do that. But time travel could also mess things up," I said.

"In addition, you have to be my direct assistant to help me build the machine." She laughed a little. "As you can see, I can't keep all my other friends away."

"Which friend do you see most often?"

"Megan Weaver, but you don't know her. She's cool. But after my accident she was too busy for school," she said glumly.

"I know I wasn't around much. No excuses, I'm a loser. But, I tried to make things right."

"How? Dude, you're not Super Max. And I'm not trying to make you feel guilty. That's what my parents are for."

I nodded. "They love you very much."

"I know. My mom and dad are really funny. They always show up here and make sure everything is okay with me."

"I think Joyce and William are wonderful."

"Max, the accident was really hard on them. Our insurance sucks and the medical bills are crazy."

"I'm sure. This technology must be very expensive"

"Along with medicine, nurses, supplies... Mom and Dad are always broke and they are so frustrated... Is it worth it?"

I held his hand. "Chloe, you are priceless. Eh, no pun intended."

"You're such a geek. That's why I love you. Of course, I know a geek when I'm a geek. See, I'm practically a human entertainment system. It would be nice to chill together and watch a movie, like when you spend the evening at my house."

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