7. Where is she?

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Aarav's POV ~

She asked me for ride???

I mean yeah she clearly told me before that she don't share car rides but she wants me to share with her!!!

My delulu ass was so excited so I just immediately replied ok.

Then what should I have replied if not agree? 'I don't like her and neither she does.' I have to remind myself that over and over again because I'm surprised that I'm special in her case...?

I don't know whatever. So I have this whole day to spend with my best friends.

Yeah! Siddharth and shafali especially made me cancel all my work of the day because they wanted to celebrate our reunion.

Well Siddharth returned from new york yesterday and we three are together after 4 years so that's the reason.

I can't just deny because my friends are so dramatic that when I said I've got very important meeting for the day they emotionally blackmailed me that 'I forgot them' and 'I don't take them as my friends anymore' and so on. God these two brats huhhh!!!

It's only 9am but we have so many places to visit and we leave at 10 so I've got to hurry up.

I was going to wear my suit but shafali send me the clothes to wear already last night and strictly warned me to not wear my suit. These are casual clothes like plain grey t-shirt and black pants.

I don't wear these type of clothes more often but I have to.

I came downstairs to have breakfast and Karthik Bhai was there sitting with dad and mom but they were having some serious conversation so I decided not to disturb them and sat on my chair quietly.

They noticed me and dad said "Good morning son! Look we were talking about you just now and you came."

I don't what was about me that they were so serious so I thought to not stretch the subject.

I replied "Morning. What's up with me being the subject of your talks?"

I knew something unexpected will come my way because mom looked at me and gave me a nervous smile.

Dad said "Actually it's about Karthik's marriage and you have to do me a favour." He said in cold tone. I don't know what I can do when it's my about my brother's wedding?

Dad explained me everything and I don'tb it's bad idea. I mean it's not even good idea but atleast from the perspective of business it's for the best.

I had my breakfast and I went to my garage. I decided to ride my black McLaren because I have to pick those both idiots myself.

I picked them up and I don't know where we are going as Siddharth has been driving and I'm in the backseat along with shafali.

She has thing for car rides that whenever we are in drive she sleeps the whole way without any worries.

So currently she's sleeping and her head is on my lap and I wonder why does she only looks innocent while sleeping and if by any chance she wakes up then we are done for sure because this little brat has anger issues and hates it the most when she's disturbed while sleeping.

We've reached somewhere but I can't recall this place clearly. Shafali also woke up by now and we got out of the car.

I took a glance at the surroundings and shit! we are here in our old school!!!

I never expected to come here ever again but why did these two idiots chose this place to visit out of all places?

I'm not going inside no matter what! I don't want to remember all those things again.

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