3. Not my type...

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Aarav's POV ~

The moment she entered the meeting room and the total environment of the room changed drastically!!!!

The moment she stepped inside and without any effort my eyes landed on her and we had a eye contact for few seconds but I felt something different. Something that I don't know it's kinda weird and my first time feeling so I awkwardly looked away.

She came inside and the meeting was going smoothly but I couldn't help myself and glance at her from time to time which didn't go unnoticed by her but she was still quite and didn't said anything. Like I mean what can she right?

She was so initiated in the meeting and presentation that I couldn't get my eyes off her and the way her lips were moving. how soft will they be? And how beautiful they will look wrapped around my co- I slapped my mind internally that I just met her and how can I imagine these things about her!!!!

The meeting was over and we are officially business partners now. Our deals are signed so we did headed to the conference room to declare the news.

Time skip-

I was about to head to my office when her pa came to me and asked if I can have a little time for the meeting which Anvi Joshi wants to have with me? I called Kabir my pa and he said I don't have any important meetings for the day so i decided to meet her and I went into her cabin.

Her cabin wasn't very lovely but it was all grey and white but amazing work was done and yeah I must say the glass window there was providing the best view of city as it's on the 6th floor.

I entered her cabin and took the seat opposite of her. She said "Hello Mr. Malhotra it's Anvi Joshi. Nice to see you finally." And shaked hands with me.

I replied "Yeah. It's pleasure to meet you too. Btw I hear a lot about you." And I thought maybe she will chuckle or smile at my comment but instead she smirked.

She said "Sure you do. I don't wanna flatter myself but I am very trending topic ain't I?" maybe I was just assuming things that maybe she'll be  simple and easy one but guess I can't underestimate her.

I said "Guess you are. But can I have the pleasure to know why did you thought in wasting your time on meeting me?" I said as I like things to be straight forward.

She replied "Sure why not. As you already understood. So I'll get this straight because I don't like to get off track. I actually heard from my dad about your proposal of dating and I was so curious that why would such busy body like you wanna date me? And furthermore we just met and you don't know me."

I know she's asking because of course we just met and I don't know her. But that doesn't mean I won't know her cuz I have my ways but little does she knows this?

But I acted cool and replied "I know you will think it's some kind of weird but just think about. If we could get together then it'll help our companies to raise to gain shares and profit as in terms of business. I gave it a thought that if we could get to know more about each other and our business." I said professionally and seems like she got that. Thank God!

She just replied "Seems right. But so you know -you are just not my type Mr. Malhotra. So don't fall for me and remember it's for our business." As if I'll fall for her! She's so full of herself and I just have this urge to wipe that smirk off her face because it is getting on my nerves.

But I aslo smirked and replied "I understand. And for your kind information Ms. Anvi Joshi I don't prefer someone like you so it's mutual." And she smirked as if she can read my mind and can understand that I'm offended by her comment.

She's rude bitch and here I thought she's easy and would probably be a sunshine girl or 'normal girl' but no. She has to be all rude and self conscious huhhh!...

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