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Anvi's POV ~

So it's now going to be me dating that bastard malhotra shit!!!!

We decided to meet up at my regular club because I'm not the caffe date person so it's going to be tonight 8pm but I don't really have any mood for that date or whatever they say. I quickly made a call to daksh and he immediately picked up. "Hey! Everything alright? Why did you called princess?" Ugh there he goes again. "Do you mind if I explain first aksh?" "Oh sorry! So spill the beans." "I have date with Malhotra do you remember? I actually I have a great plan for him." "Wow!!! Tell me how can I help you?"

I explained him everything and as always he was so excited now to have his part in working. We decided to be there by 7 so we can prepare beforehand but he denied it and said I should be There by the time is our date and he will handle everything.

It's 7pm and I thought about the dress and finally after few minutes of hard work i decided to wear a plain black bodycon dress and a butterfly pendant.
I let my hair free and just curled them up a slightly to have a eligant effect and yeah! I'm looking perfect as always.

I got his text saying he can't promise to be on time because he is caught in traffic so i thought to take my leave already

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I got his text saying he can't promise to be on time because he is caught in traffic so i thought to take my leave already.

I reached at the club buy exactly 7.58pm and I ordered my regular sex on the beach. This club is highly registered for the members only and that's just another reason I decided to come here.

It's 8.10pm now I'm hella bored here so i decided to relax my body to the music and just when I was about to go on the dance floor I felt that someone pulled me towards them but the force was strong so i directly landed on his chest and whoaaaa... His broad shoulders his few buttons opened up to give a little view of his strong build chest.That sharp jawline and the way he rolled up the sleeves of his black shirt till his wrist giving enough view for his muscles to Bulge out.

I was about to get out of his hold when he pulled me towards him by my waist and I could see his face clearly that we were on the dance floor in the middle and I didn't even realised it till the lights fell on us and I got the beautiful view of hi...

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

I was about to get out of his hold when he pulled me towards him by my waist and I could see his face clearly that we were on the dance floor in the middle and I didn't even realised it till the lights fell on us and I got the beautiful view of his face and it's none other than Mr. Aarav Malhotra.

I thought about something and a smirk formed on my face when I put my hands around his neck leaning closer to him and tip-toed to whisper in his ears so only he can hear it.

I said "Leave me before I make it hard for you to leave me Mr. Malhotra." And his expression changed in a slightest smile but in an instance he did exactly perfect job to change the expression but I already saw it.

He smirked while his hands caressing my waist he whispered in my ear "Don't you think it's not that I'm already struggling Ms. Joshi." And I knew something like this was on the way so removed my hands from his neck and I pulled myself apart from him.

As I made my way to counter again I saw him muttering something under his breath but i only came to sit on my chair and he also came back with that boring 'no expression face' as always.

He sat beside me and ordered a whiskey. I said "Ugh! You gonna drink that petrol? Ewww..." And his face was amused by my comment but he made back to normal.

He replied "So it's like this that you don't like it? Then guess you have no other choice than to show me a great drink now."

And I passed my drink to him and he instantly gulped it down in one go. And the way his Adam's apple bobbed up and down I couldn't help but to stare at him but it didn't go unnoticed by him. He smirked my way and asked the waiter for another drink.

I got my same drink and he also got the same one. He finally decided to speak up "So Ms.Anvi Joshi I thought you were too desperate to dance. How about I accompany you then?" And he stood up from his seat and took his arm out for me. Such a gentleman show!

I rolled my eyes at his gesture but took his arm and we made our way to dance floor and just then the idiot dj had to change the music into slow dance song!!!

He pulled out his hand asking me for permission and nodded. I locked my hands on his neck and he placed his both hands on my waist.

We were dancing in the perfect sink and his hand moved to my hips and I looked at him to only find him looking at me with that ugly smirk.

I tightened my hold on his neck giving enough pressure so he could place his hands on the right place again.

He leaned over my ear and whispered "I'm impressed queen bee." Queen bee? Such a stupid Nick name.

I pulled him at my height and we made a eye contact but it was so intimate and even the position we were in and the proximity. So I leaned to his ears and whispered "Control Mr. Malhotra! And don't you dare to cross your limits. I have so many ways to cut you off."

And it was me smirking proudly as I saw him a little bit tensed but I don't know what was this expression of him showed so I guess it's my win again.

We came to our respective seats again and chatted which was most of the time him talking and I was listening but it wasn't that bad at all.

We exited through the main gate and headed to my baby my Rolls royace. She and I were twinning today. As I was about to sat down on the drivers seat Aarav had his one hand on the roof of the car and closed the door lightly behind me.

I was amused how can this man act to be so much of a gentleman infront of me?

I said "Don't act like a gentleman Mr. Malhotra because I know you are not one. Or I may think you actually like me or something."

He almost immediately replied "You didn't saw real me yet but you guessed it right I'm not. And for your kind information Ms. Anvi I don't like you and I believe the feelings are mutual."

He left instantly without giving me chance to reply.

I got daksh's call so i picked up. He yelled on the phone "You left!!! What are you thinking that you forgot about me??"
He's such drama queen man! I replied "I didn't yet! I'm in the parking lot and come out quickly I won't waste more than 5 minutes for you."

I cut the call and he came outside just in 3 minutes good.

We made our way to my penthouse in our different respective cars.





Hey readers!!!
Actually I have my exams going on so I don't think I'll be able to keep on updating on time but I'll try my best to give you next update till next Thursday.....
Please look forward to reading guys this book is my baby!!!

Thank you<3
By rexashi.

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