10. Rude bitch!

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Aarav's POV ~

I felt little weight on the left side of my body and I woke up in daze because my head was hurting so much. I tried opening my eyes a little just to encounter the most peaceful and beautiful sight infront of me.

I looked at her lying peacefully in my arms and seemed the most calming scenery as she looked all relaxed for the first with me atleast while sleeping.

But wait. Where am I? How is she sleeping in my arms? What actually happened last night?

I looked down at myself to find my clothes changed!?? All the questions started coming to my mind - did something happened last night? Did I do something? How did I ended up here and that too with her???

I was lost in my thoughts when she graoned in her sleep and shifted more closer to me. She snuggled more into my chest and I felt somewhat overwhelmed??? Is that what it's called?

Her warm and slow breathing was felt on my chest and she had her left leg over my stomach and she was looking like a cute kid.

I started caressing her hairs softly and pulled her more to me by her waist. Suddenly my heart started to run marathon and I felt like someone poking my stomach but I tried to calm myself down.

I leaned down to her face a little to plant a gentle kiss on her forehead when she suddenly woke up.

She opened her eyes immediately and the next....

She pushed me off the bed with a great force that I straight landed on the ground with a loud thud.

I rubbed my ass a little because it felt numb cause is the push. I hissed a little but she didn't even tried to help me get up.

And the words themselves left my mouth "Rude bitch atleast should have offer to help." And I got up.

She looked at me in disbelief and replied "I have heard worse. Can't your giant like figure get themself up uhhh?" And smirked a little.

I sighed almost audible but answered her "Thanks for reminding me that I can get up myself." But I had this question roaming on my mind still that what happened last night?

She got up from bed before I could ask anything and went outside. I don't know where but atleast should have asked me to accompany?

She screamed from outside 'Come downstairs in 20 but before that clean up yourself!'

I nodded my head but stupid me that she can't even see me.

I went inside the washroom and did my morning business. I came outside after taking a cold and Little long shower.

I had towel wrapped around my waist and the water drops were dripping from my wet hair on my shoulders along with chest. I had to dry my hairs but I didn't saw any drier inside so started ruffling the wet hairs with my hands just when the bedroom door opened with a loud thud.

I looked in the direction and my breath hitched as I saw her standing in casual clothes but still she was looking drop dead gorgeous as always.

Sh was wearing grey crop top with grey sweatpants and still she ruled it!!!

Anvi's outfit

She started coming towards me with big steps and closed every little distance between us.

She just stared deep into my eyes but broke the eye contact just instantly. And moved backwards to take in my full view . She looked me upside down and then broke the silence.

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