Chapter 1

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💖Chapter 1💖

"The flight to London is late by 10 mints…sorry for the inconvenience..please be ready with your boarding passes" on hearing that magnus breath out heavily holding the boarding ticket on his hand , looking the kids playing in the airport, he close his eyes for a second

Alec:There you are (running into the airport) busy doct. Magnus bane.. from whom are you running away from?

Magnus :alexander.!! What are you doing here?

Alec :That's what I am asking you and don't call me that...

Magnus :I am leaving as I promised..i have a life too(sternly)

Without thinking twice alec slap magnus hardly everyone in the airport was listening to them

alec:It looks like you promised me forever (throwing a bag with photos and little little things and gifts in it .. In magnus chest)

Magnus :what the hell??Where did you get this? (looking at the bag and briefcase behind him)

Alec:This is more than betrayal. You are waiting for a chance and you push me away.. There is no difference between you and Robert (before he complete his sentence everyone in airport hears the slap sounds again but it's from magnus now

Alec :(holding his cheeks and looking at Magnus in disbelief..)

++++++++++ 1yr ago

Alec:tilt little bit magnus... God you hit my nose again.. If u act like this mom will definitely find out the truth

Magnus:can u relax for a minute pls... Leave my cheeks first, don't hold me tight and most of all stop staring at my lips... Just close your eyes and pretend to kiss me…
💘TBC 💘

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