Anxiety [Angst/Comfort] S9

Start from the beginning

"Ooh, that doesn't look too good," Joe says, snapping the other two's attention off of their communicators for a second. The creeper has been aggravated, and it seems like he might blow. "Didn't think he'd react like that."

"Yeah, it's kind of worrying," says Xisuma, the admin of the server.

"What do you think we should do?" Keralis questions, earning a shrug from Cub.

The four had been hanging out for an hour prior to the startling messages from the server's resident creeper-goat hybrid.

"I'm not sure," Joe begins. "Is there anyone that might be affected by this?"

About thirty seconds pass before Cub speaks up. "Well, I was talking to Scar the other day," the vex starts, grabbing the attention of the other three. "He, Mumbo, and Grian started a little trio thing, called the Buttercups I think? Whatever the name is, they were having a little prank war with Doc, which Ren joined in on a little bit later. They might have gotten tired of the whole spiel, which I'm pretty sure is why they wanted to cover The Perimeter. They knew any prank Doc could pull could never match that."

"So what does this mean for us?" Keralis asks.

"Well, remember how we all thought something was off with Grian when he first joined Hermitcraft? We all agreed to put it down after like a year or so, but what if we were right? Someone should go check on him."

"Cub is right," Xisuma pipes up. Maybe three of us could go try and calm Doc down and the other goes to check on the Buttercups? Or two and two? Or even one of us for each person?"

"Sound plan," Joe says. "Xisuma, you should go to Doc. He's more likely to listen to you over us. Keralis should go with you. Cub and I can go check on the Buttercups?"

"Sounds good."

The four agree to their plan and grab some materials that might be needed. Xisuma and Keralis grab weapons and armor, as well as some healing supplies. Not sure what to get, Joe grabs a spare med kit and Cub retrieves some potions. Saying their respective goodbyes, the four split up, Xisuma and Keralis heading over to the Perimeter while Cub and Joe direct themselves to the giant rocks that make up Hermitcraft's resident prankster's base.

Grian's base doesn't really have a door, it's a very open concept save for a few doors leading to more private rooms, so Cub and Joe are able to fly right in and land with no trouble.

"Grian? You home?" Cub calls out in vain. No response. This causes the vex to glace worriedly at the poet. Grian usually responds to calls, unless he isn't in his base. Which is likely. But the vex has a gut feeling that something is off.

"Maybe he's just not here right now?" Joe suggests. "He could be with Mumbo, or restocking his shop, you know..."

"Yeah, let's hope so."

Taking the initiative, Cub walks up the staircase to their right, snaking around the side of the rocks. Joe follows. Not seeing a sign of the avian's presence, the duo decides to check through some of the other rooms.

The first door they check leads into a small carved out section of the boulder, repurposed as a cozy living room with comfy couches and a small fireplace. The next door they check opens up to reveal a hallway with stairs leading upwards. After looking back towards his partner for reassurance, Cub takes the lead traveling down the hallway.

They come across another door, to which Joe puts his ear in order to try and listen for evidence of Grian's presence. Upon hearing a few sobs, the poet looks at Cub, a clear message communicated. He's in there, and he's not okay.

Joe takes a deep breath before placing his hand on the doorknob and twisting–pushing the door all the way open before stepping inside and seeing the mess of Grian.

The two stand there in shock for a few seconds before Cub rushes forward, careful not to get too close to the blonde, and Joe gets out his med kit.

Focusing all of his attention on Grian, Cub says "Hey, hey, Grian, can you hear me?" the vex crouches near the avian.

When the only thing Cub receives in return is a panicked look from Grian, he sighs deeply. Noticing how the avian's hands lingered near the opposite arm, he looked closer at his arms to find a multitude of scratches, some bleeding. How had he not noticed that before?

"Hey, let's not do that," Cub says, taking Grian's hands into his and pulling them away from his arms. He gently lays them on the floor, separate from his arms, and pulls the blonde into a tight embrace.

Still panicking, Grian thrashes violently against the vex's hold, but Cub stays strong and, in Grian's weakened state, manages to keep him until he calms down and resorts to tightly gripping Cub's shirt and sobbing into it. The vex whispers words of reassurance to the shaking avian, rubbing circles into his back while resting his head on top of Grian's.

Joe sits down next to the other two, healing potions and bandages in hand. After the avian passes out from exhaustion, Joe takes hold of one of Grian's arms gently before cleaning it, wiping the blood away carefully. After, he wraps the arm slowly before moving on to the next one, repeating the process from before.

After both his arms are bandaged up, the duo moves to lean against a pile of pillows, still hugging the sleeping avian. Cub and Joe decide that they'll stay with Grian for the time being, Joe messaging Xisuma that they won't be back for a bit. Placing his communicator on the floor, Joe turns back to the other two and falls asleep.

1,546 words

i kind of hate this ngl
it was a good idea originally but i didnt know how to end it and I was really tired :(


im gonna try to write something new this weekend to post to make up for this piece of trash ;-;

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