They took off into the woods, running at top speed for a while. Storm wasn't in the mood to play. He didn't like Sonya and barely paid any attention to her wolf.

Finally they got back to their clothes and Caleb shifted back. Sonya followed his lead, and walked up to him quickly before he had time to get dressed. "Do you want to make this even more fun, Alpha?" She asked, rubbing her body against his.

Caleb took a step back from her, not the least bit aroused. "Not yet, Sonya. I'm going to head for my bath house." He quickly pulled on his clothes.

Her eyes lit up. "I love your bath house. Can I join you?"

"Um, sure." He didn't want her to but at the same time, he didn't want to be mean to her, especially if he took her as his chosen. He thought about going to the main bath house, since that's the one she was familiar with. He really didn't want her in his own.

"Don't you have your own private bath house?" Sonya asked, fluttering her lashes at him. She still hadn't dressed.

"I do," he responded, wondering how she knew.

"Let's go there." She quickly pulled her clothes on, then grabbed his hand and began to lead him towards it.

Caleb sighed inwardly, knowing this was a bad idea. He just hoped Charlotte wasn't in there.

Fortunately she wasn't and he breathed a small sigh of relief. He was feeling nervous, and still not at all aroused at what could happen between them. Did he even want to bed her here? His bath house was for him and Charlotte, not Sonya.

Sonya looked around with a smile. "So this will be our private bath house when I'm Queen?"

I doubt it.

She turned to him. "We can have a lot of fun in here." She began to strip off her clothes. "Are you going to join me?"

Caleb reluctantly slipped off his shirt just as he heard the door open and the scent of lilacs hit him full force. No! He turned and saw Charlotte standing there, her mouth open in surprise, hurt showing in her eyes. Caleb felt his heart break as he saw her take a step backwards.

Sonya spotted her. "You there, bring me a towel."

Charlotte looked at him. He gave her a shake of his head and mouthed for her to go. He saw the glimmer of tears in her eyes as she turned and fled the bath house.

"Where is she going?" Sonya asked. "I ordered her to bring me a towel."

Caleb sighed. He would have preferred that Sonya never met Charlotte, but that was impossible. "She's not a servant, Sonya."

"Then what was she doing in here?" Sonya whined.

Caleb raised his eyebrows at her.

"She's your whore?" Sonya shrieked.

"She's not a whore, Sonya, and I will not tolerate you calling her such," Caleb growled at her.

"Well if you think you will be bedding her while you're mated to me, you're wrong! I will not share you, Caleb!" she shouted.

Storm pushed forward, surprising Caleb, "I will not tolerate your disrespect, Sonya! I am king. I will do as I please. Now get out!"

She hurried out of the water, shaking in fear and hurriedly dressed. She bowed her head to him, then left the bath house.

Storm watched her go, then gave control back to Caleb. 'I will always favor Mate over that disrespectful she-wolf.'

Caleb sighed, slipped off his clothes, and dunked himself in the tub, quickly washing. He got out, dried himself off and hurried up the stairs. He stopped outside of Charlotte's door, and sighed again as he listened to her sobbing. His heart broke. He knew he was the reason for her pain.

He debated for a moment, then opened the door and walked in. She was sitting on the window seat. He walked over to her and picked her up, then carried her over to the bed and sat down, holding her close while she cried. He knew he was the primary cause for her heartache. He began to wonder if Sonya was even worth it. He'd felt absolutely nothing for her, even when she'd offered herself to him. And he was hurting Charlotte, which in turn was hurting him.

'I told you,' Storm growled.


Sonya was enraged. She couldn't believe that Caleb had a human whore and that he intended to keep her. If he even thought she would tolerate such a thing, he was delusional. The moment she was Queen, she'd throw the pathetic human out of the castle.

She hurried into the sitting room where her father was. "Daddy, Caleb has a human whore."

Her father glanced up at her, then back down to his book. "He's King, Sonya. He can do what he pleases."

"I will not share him," she cried, stomping her foot.

"You have no choice. You must look the other way." Jacob sat down the book and looked up at his daughter. She had that look in her eye. He sighed. "Sonya, if you desire to be Queen, you cannot do anything stupid. Alpha Caleb has not agreed to take you as his chosen yet. Do not allow your temper to get the best of you."

Sonya sighed. She was still so angry. "I'm going to bed."

"That's probably for the best." Alpha Jacob picked the book back up, and watched her walk away. He had spoiled her since Sofia's death and he realized now that he had done her no favors. Perhaps this was a bad idea.


Charlotte pulled away from Caleb a bit and looked at him. He'd been patiently holding her for quite some time. She hadn't wanted his comfort, but at the same time, she'd craved it. His touch was soothing to her.

He gazed at her, his eyes flickering. Charlotte stared back at him. She didn't see his eyes do that very much but she now knew that it was his wolf looking at her.

His eyes stopped changing and glowed blue as his wolf looked at her. "Charlotte," he whispered, pulling her close and burying his face in her neck.  "I'm sorry for him."

Charlotte ran her hands through his hair. As much as she wanted to be angry with him, she just didn't have it in her. They held each other for a while longer, then Caleb stood, lifting her with him.

He sat her down and grabbed her nightgown she'd left out on the bed. He slipped her dressing gown off, kissing her bare shoulder. Then he slipped her nightgown over her head.

"You're not going to bed me tonight?" She asked.

"Do you want me to?"

She shrugged. "I'm yours."

Yes you are. "Not tonight." He saw her expression fall. "But Im not leaving."

She looked up at him and smiled. She was glad. She hated the nights he wasn't there and dreaded having to share him. She knew now that when he wasn't in her bed, she would always wonder where he was.

Caleb lifted her and laid her in the bed, then crawled in beside her and pulled her close. "I haven't bedded her."

"But you will." She cuddled up against him.

He didn't reply to that and she sighed. "I don't want to know."

"Alright," he answered. He kissed her forehead gently.



"If you wake me up later, I won't mind," she said with a yawn.

He laughed. "My dear Charlotte, I think you crave me as much as I crave you."


The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Where stories live. Discover now