"In bed, Alpha," she replied, her head bowed.

"Well, go wake him," Caleb told her. The man had wanted him to come to Northumbria and he couldn't even be bothered to greet him?

"He said not to wake him, Alpha," the maid murmured.

Caleb sighed. "I am his Alpha. His King. Wake him."

"Ye-es Alpha," she bowed her head again and hurried out of the room.

Caleb knew that Jacob had become a grumpy old man after the death of his daughter. He frowned, trying to remember how old Jacob's son and heir was. Perhaps if was time for him to take over.

It took a good ten minutes for Jacob to make an appearance, and Caleb could hear him grumbling before he actually saw the old Alpha. He could feel Jacob's aura as well, though it came nowhere close to matching his own.

"How dare you get me out of bed this late at night?!" the old Alpha bellowed as he entered the room.

Caleb was seated in an easy chair, a plate of food on the table beside him that he'd been picking at. He stood and folded his arms across his massive chest. "How dare you request my presence in your home and then refuse to get up and greet ME, your Alpha and King!" Caleb released his aura, glad for the extra boost from Storm. While he knew his wolf was still angry at him, he also knew Storm would not tolerate disrespect.

Jacob dropped to his knees, bowing his head. "Forgive me Alpha. I did not know you were going to be here this evening."

Caleb stared at the man for a moment before reining his aura back in. While he knew Jacob didn't know when he would arrive, he did know Caleb was downstairs before he'd come down himself. "You disrespect me again, and I will kill you."

He saw rage appear on the other man's face for a moment before it disappeared and Jacob bowed his head.

Caleb sat back down. "Go back to bed, but send your maid to me. I'd rather deal with her tonight than you. We'll talk in the morning.

"Yes, Alpha." Jacob left the room, and the maid returned a few moments later.

"What's your name?" he asked her.

"Laura, Alpha," she replied.

Caleb eyed her quietly. "You were one of Sofia's maids, weren't you?"

"Yes, Alpha," she whispered.

He stood. "Show me to her room."

"Yes, Alpha." She led him upstairs and stopped at a door, and opened it.

"I'll be staying here." Caleb stepped into the room and looked around. The room still faintly smelled of Sofia. He sighed as he walked across the room to her closet, opened the door and stepped in. This was where the scent came from. He sat down on the floor, breathing it in. It didn't have the same effect anymore. He longed for the scent of lilacs, and that irritated him to no end. He couldn't even miss Sofia properly. He leaned back against the wall and fell asleep.


The next morning, Caleb awoke early and groaned. He'd spent the entire night dreaming of Charlotte and that annoyed him to no end. She'd been naked, the way he liked her, and .. Caleb cut off his thoughts. He was disrespecting Sofia's memory.

An hour later, he was down at the breakfast table eating with no sign of Jacob or his Luna. Caleb was growing angrier by the moment. Jacob would be lucky if Caleb ever came to Northumbria again.

"Would you like anything else, Alpha?" The butler asked him as he poured Caleb more to drink.

"Yes, I'd like to know where your Alpha is," Caleb replied calmly.

The Alpha King's Slave (Book 2 Of The Regal Eclipse Pack Series)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora