The noise made me turn around. Kate's rabbit ran in surprise in the cage, it turned out there was no food in its bowl. I looked down and poured the food. Beside me there was a trash can full of used tissues. Lots of tears. She had used up many boxes.

There is a postcard on the chair. I took it. In contrast to Kate's mother, her father really loves her.

"He shines in the darkness, and the darkness cannot cover His light. - John 1:5

Katie, you will always be my brightest light against the darkness.

Hug and love. Dad."

I put it back in its place. Kate was still silent, so I approached her again. Poor Kate... She doesn't look well.

"Uh, hey, Kate, I brought your book," I said, patting her back lightly.

Kate raised her head. "Max, why did you break up David and I yesterday?"

"I hate bullies. David Madsen should know better."

"I wish he would, but I'm glad to see you care about me."

"Kate, I really care," I said. "So, what's the story with you and David?"

"Well... He's really paranoid! He thinks I'm part of the Vortex Club. Yeah right." Her tone turned cynical.

"Did you party with them?" I asked.

"I went to that Vortex Club party against my better judgment. It wasn't me at all," he said. "Do you know how embarrassing this is for me?"

"I know this sucks, Kate, but... tell me about the video and maybe I can help," I said.

"Basically, in the video... I went to one of the Vortex Club parties and ended up making out with a bunch of people... and I don't remember that..." She had a hard time explaining it. She was short of breath and almost crying.

"So why are you went?"

"Lost my sanity? I just thought I could meet some new people," Kate said.

"You have to tell me more than that. What happened at the party? Did you drink alcohol?"

Kate's eyes immediately bulged. "I swear to God I only drank one sip of red wine. And then I drank water. That's all!"

"Not enough to get drunk, right?"

"I never get drunk! Never. I drink a glass of red wine at church and I don't end up with a viral video, okay?"

I was silent for a moment. "Did someone drug you?"

Kate is calmer. Her eyes brightened. "I remember...I remember being sick and dizzy..."

"Keep going," I said.

"Then Nathan Prescott said he would take me to the hospital."

"Nathan Prescott! Are you leaving, Kate?"

"Definitely not. I'm not sure where I'm going."

"What do you remember about that?" I asked.

"All I remember is we drove for a long time...then I woke up in a room...I thought it was a hospital because it was so white and bright..." Her words trailed off. She seemed hesitant.

"Come on, I'm listening."

"Someone was talking to me in a soft voice...I thought it was a doctor...until I heard Nathan and felt a sharp sting in my neck...and...and..."


"That's all I remember! I don't know what happened... I woke up outside my dorm room the next day. I didn't have any marks or bruises, but I felt dirty," Kate said.

"So, who took that video of you at the party?"

"I don't know. Maybe Victoria. She was just there being her cruel self."

"Jesus, Kate, I'm sorry. It turns out this is serious," I said.

"How do I delete a viral video? I know it's gone viral--what if the church sees it? I need to know what to do."

I held her back to calm her down. "Kate, we'll find out. I'll check again later, okay?"

"Thank you, Max... You can put my book here, near my bag."

I put the book next to Kate's bag.

"So, Max, can I ask you a question? And please be honest."

I turned to face her again. "Of course, Kate. Anything."

"I need to find out if Nathan Prescott helped me... or hurt me after that party. Should I go to the police?"

I paused to consider many things.

"If you do that, they won't believe you. You're on video attracting all those boys and they'll use it against you. Bad."

"But I know I was drugged--"

"That's what you have to prove. Not them," I said. "I'm just telling you how the police and school will view this. The video really doesn't help you."

Kate looked down silently. "You make me feel so hopeless--"

"No, no, Kate. I just don't want you to get hurt again," I said holding her shoulder.

"It seems impossible at the moment. So that's your answer?"

"I think we should wait. There's something else going on that might help you."

"But not now. So I can walk down the halls with people calling me a viral whore. Thanks, Max."

Kate turned her back to me. Obviously this conversation is over.

Good job, Dr. Max. She didn't like what I said, but we needed more evidence about what happened.






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