|Even In A Crowded Room My Eyes Are On You|

Start from the beginning

Leaneíras' smile was sharp as she smiled at the enemy demigods equipped with their sparse forms of mageia. Her own power surrounded them like smoke and her words were filed with enchantment. "Lavender, Mimosa, Holy Thistle, cleanse this evil from our midst." They cried out, shaking and moving about like it was an exorcism. "Scatter its cells throughout time, let them no more exist."

A loud scream rung out through the streets; a sound so high in pitch that even though Leaneíras couldn't hear it... she could feel it. Hellhounds howled and whimpered in face of it as Salome whimpered, but it was over as fast it happened, and she ran a soothing hand over her pet before continuing on.

Drew flew above her on the back of Ginevre, arrows flying from the sky as fast as the raindrops from the storms she conjured. A few streets away, Lou Ellen had brought night to day and she saw even the girl's siblings avoiding the alley where the shadows gained life. Lea recognized a few of Katie Gardener's "babies" running around which didn't make it any better that the local dryads wanted to adopt the cannibalistic plant animals either though it was... amusing to watch the way that the enemy ran when small gerbils came close and they rushed off screaming as they opened their mouths wide and devour a Laistrygon with one bite.

She had to stop attacking after a while and move on to defending. Too many of the campers laid wounded in the streets and just as many were missing. Leaneíras sat beside Drew's sister, Valencia, pouring mageia into her. "Eight broken ribs," she murmured. "Six on the right. Two on the left. I have to do it one by one so its gonna hurt like a bitch to heal."

"No ambrosia or nectar?"

"Not if you want them to heal correctly," she snorted. She asked Lee Fletcher that before and he told her quite plainly that if broken ribs managed to find itself in a position where the rib moved out a place similar to Slipping rib syndrome then the ambrosia or nectar won't fix it by putting it back in place, but by melding it in the spot that it was at. Not a very fun experience for anyone when it needs to be fixed.

The girl cursed but held Eliza's hand tightly when her sister slid to her side and managed to hold back her screams as Lea's mageia found its way under her skin.

As the night wore on and the moon got higher, they were backed up foot by foot until they were only a block from the Empire State Building in any direction.

"Hold your lines!" Katie Gardner shouted, somewhere off to Lea's right. The problem was there were too few of them to hold anything. The entrance to Olympos was twenty feet behind them. A ring of brave demigods, Hunters, and nature spirits guarded the doors.

Before her, Percy was slashing and hacking, destroying everything in this path, but she could tell that he was getting tired. Lea could understand. Her mageia core was begging for reprieve and she knew that she needed to go somewhere to check on it.

But then...

Behind the enemy troops, a few blocks to the east, a bright light began to shine that was matched only intensity by Leaneíras's eyes as they emitted a light like glow sticks. Even Lou Ellen and her own siblings' eyes weren't glowing as brightly as Leaneíras.

For a moment, Lea thought it was the sunrise.

And then her Grandfather rode up on a golden chariot.

Drew and the campers of the Seventh Cabin all growled as one.

A dozen Laistrygonian giants bore torches before him.

It was only a little creepy to see Katie's babies licking their chlorophyllide lips.

Two Hyperboreans carried his black-and-purple banners. The Titan lord looked fresh and rested, his powers at full strength. He was taking his time advancing, letting them wear themselves down.

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