|Believed In You Before Anyone Else Did Or When None Else Would.|

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Hermês was technically on a delivery for his Uncle, but he found that he could fly away from watching as Leaneíras and Drew made their way deeper into camp. He was sure that he wasn't imagining the way she stumbled on her feet at the foul magic lingering in the air.

He watched the way she gave Drew a worried glance — proving that she did consider the younger girl a close friend — when the girl paled at the knowledge of the failed barrier. And he took note of the way her eyes widen and the minute flinch that she gave when she learned of the Tree of Thalia.

It took a moment for Hermês to remember that Luke had informed her about the status of his khaos-blessing.

And then Leaneíras learned the truth about Tyson.

It took her a moment to take a deep breath before she began to walk away alongside the need to punch Luke and Kronos and  Kheirôn and Poseidôn and Father in the face for dragging her into this weird world and she was doing perfectly fine without it. There were, of course, curses to his own name when she remembered that because of their khaos-brand that she would have been introduced to this life either way.

She was walking around the camp then, eyes a poisonous green and not at all natural making everyone give her a wide berth as she stomped her way towards her cabin. Drew was at her side though it did not seem that she was managing to calm her in any way nor were Ethan nor Alabaster able when they appeared to flank her sides.

"You know I don't even care that he's a cyclops," she was ranting. "I care about the fact that aside from the so-called gods, I have not met a single being in this weird family tree that doesn't register as a creature . Chiron is half horse for goodness sake and now a cyclops! What's next? A giant rug!"

Ethan opened his mouth to comment and the glare she gave him made Hermês back away a bit.

"No," she stated simply. She then sighed, running a hand through her hair. "Honestly, all of this is too much. Learning that my whole life is a lie and everyone is acting like we're suppose to be saviors of Narnia. I'm reaching a breaking point and this mark! It's ugh."

"I'm sorry," Ethan said and she waved his words away. "It's not your fault. It's not even my, um, Father's fault for birthing me."


"It's the white people's fault," Leaneíras sneered. "Invading countries and bringing different races together and messing up people's livelihoods. If they did that then there's a chance that my mom wouldn't have met Father."  She ran a hand through her head, a look of disgust on her face. "White people disgust me."

"Lea, you are a white person," Drew noted.

"Incorrect. According to your little fantasy world, I am half seahorse."

"Lea..." Ethan started.

"I will gladly be half seahorse than acknowledge any caucasian bloodline. It's the white van that kids are supposed to be afraid of. Not the red, green, blue, or black thank you very much."

"You can't just hate a race," Alabaster chastised.

"Incorrect. I hate everyone including myself. When is Ragnarök coming? That's the end of the world right?"

"Wrong religion," Drew snorted, eyeing the elder girl who had managed to calm herself. "And don't think we're going to skip past this self-hatred thing."

"Yeah, yeah, Cupid. That's an issue for another day. I, however, am going to find my brother so that I can yell at him about leaving without telling anyone. Like seriously, what if we had been kidnapped! I would have caused a scene before getting in a kidnapped van, but as Speedy Gonzalez proved last summer... the aliens don't have to have a ride to teleport me."

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