|That someone who makes you a better person.|

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Lea was pensive when she awakened.

She was also uncomfortable in her own skin as energy seemed to pour out of her in waves. She found herself nauseated and spewing seawater of all things as she stumbled out of her-the cabin.

The small tortoise that Alabaster had summoned for her bit away at the air around her.

And the ground looked so comfortable, but she found herself falling into arms instead of the earth's embrace.

"You don't look so good," the familiar voice of Ethan said in her ear. "Though, you slept through breakfast so it makes sense."

Lea groaned as she struggled to stand on her own two feet. A hand was placed on her forehead. "No fever," he muttered.

"What's takin-" came Alabaster's voice before he cursed lowly. "I did not know you were a pharmakís, Leaneira."

"A what?"

"Pharmakís. Ancient Greek word for witch or sorceress. There is mayeia, magic all around you though considering whom your soulmate is... well it's not surprising."

"So what's happening to her," Ethan said as they helped her sit up. Alabaster did something as he chanted under his breath. Lea could somewhat recognize three different languages and none of them were english before something crashed over her like a wave. She blinked when that overwhelming energy disappeared.

In Alabaster's hand was a pretty black stone that dangled that and with a few more whispered words, it chiseled out into a round stone with a trident and caduceus engraved on each side. "This is a black tourmaline stone," he told her as he placed it around her neck. "It's for grounding and protection and a lot more. It's keyed into your energy."

"And I need this because I'm a pharmacy?"

"Pharmakís," he pronounced slowly, letting her hear the curl on his tongue. "Even outside of your soulbond, I'm not really surprised that you are one. A lot of women in the ancient days were priests to the gods and the stronger pharmakís like Medea and Hecuba were either born from a god or had been a practitioner. Queen Hecuba works with Mother even now I believe."

"What about Circe and Pasiphae," Ethan wondered. Alabaster shrugged, "They are goddesses. Daughters of Lord Heliôs." He then turned back to Lea. "I don't know much about sea magic. I tend to focus more on the 'dark arts' as Mother is a Khlothian goddess and a child of the night, but my great-grandmother Lady Eurybiê has mastery of the sea's power. We can pray to her to help you."

Lea scrunched her nose. "I never agreed to learning anything."

"You should. The solstice and equinoxes overflow with energy and the gods' power strengthens them. The Olympioi have the Summer Solstice and the Khthonioi have the Winter Solstice. The Nomioi gods power through the Spring Equinox whereas as the Eleusinioi gods control the Autumn Equinox," Alabaster said before their attention was grabbed by the cheers of the other campers.

The two of them dragged her forward once she was steady on her feet to see what the commotion was about. She could pick up bits and whispers from the crowd... something about an Annabelle and a lightning bolt.

Somehow, Lea found her way to the front even when she was sure that someone's elbow had clocked her clean in her left tit. Standing before her was the blonde girl that had been traveling with Percy and Grover. Lea was admittedly shocked and disturbed to see Grover not wearing pants for some reason, but she was more disturbed by the fact that Percy was nowhere to be found.

"Lea," Grover asked dumbfounded and she scowled at him. "Neira. Leaneira," he hurried to correct. Because Lea only gave her friends permission to call her a nickname and despite the fact that they shared lunch tables for an entire school year, Grover was Percy's friend. Not hers.

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