|Did I Mention I'm In Love With You?|

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Lea sat on the deck of Skidbladnir eating kelp jerky as they sailed to the coordinates that would take them to safety. She had been given back her clothes that she landed in except they were mended from the burned marks that the lava had managed to reach. A bag of supplies was sitting next to her, but much like Medea, she was too engrossed with the various spell books and grimoires that Lady Eurybiê had gifted them even Magnus had a few that he was looking over.

To hold mastery of the sea is a bold thing to wish for even if were cradled in the waves of Pontos, even if you were nursed by Thalassa's salt breast, even if Ôkeanos fed you his lifeblood, even if Tēthýs nurtured, to claim mastery is now a gift that Poseidón nor Amphitrítē grant easily.

One cannot hold mastery of the ever-laughing waves without becoming it in itself. You must let the memory of Hêlios' aureole pass thee by, let Ouranos fade from the mind. There is no broad bosomed earth nor murky hell. Only the waves that rise up and up and soar to the heavens and swallows the sun. The sea consumes all. Hope, envy, love, and Desire.

Nothing is left but the sea itself. No Olympians on the snowy peaks of Olympos. No gods that oversee the fertile earth. No maidens that hunt within the wild. No gods that linger in domoi Aïdao.

Become the sea.

Only the sea, and let it consume and master thee.

It was a quiet ride though admittedly, Lea wished that Salome was there with her. She would have said Percy and Drew also, but both of them only pretended to be interested when she went on tangents about mageia theory. Though, she did hear Percy mention to their Mother that he liked watching her talk about it because he had never seen her livelier.

At some point in the ride, Hermes had appeared to sit beside her and when she had deigned to lay down to rest, he took her on a trip within the lands of dreams to worlds of color and happiness. It made her think of Lady Eurybiê's words of her being some kind of world walker before she threw the thought out of her head. All of that was of course after he had bundled her up in his arms and squeezed her so tightly, so she felt like one of those old cartoons where the characters' eyes popped out. 

They were sailing under the starlight and the books made way for her to "reach towards the stars" in a more abstract sense that she was pulling from the starlight and morphing it into a shape of her heart's desire. The notes in the margins stated that for those more inclined to hydrospells should try to change the light into something closer to a morning dewdrop before shifting it into a large drop of water or even further like a wave. There was even a spell so similar to what Kirkê had shown her so long ago that kept her eyes from glowing; admittedly, Lea didn't utilize it after she heard Hermes gushing about her eyes with Drew. This spell though changed the indicator from her eyes to her nails so it would be like glowing polish.

She should also be investigating Lævateinn, but Lea made the decision to deal with that after Tyson looked over it. She paused, looking out towards the sea aimlessly. She wondered if she could convince Hermes to sponsor Tyson into building his own weapon shop. Lea would always have some of the best weapons and with his talent, she could get some properly mage tools like a few of Lady Eurybiê's spell needed.

Ahead of them, a looming cave appeared before them, casting long shadows over the water. Lea grabbed her things and backed away closer to where the other two were standing.

She was a bit jealous to realize that Medea had managed to pull on the starlight, but she was also doing her best to ignore the other girl because she had questions about her being a child of Poseidon. Apparently, she was under the impression that Lea was a child of Neptune and Lea had no idea what the eighth planet had to do with anything, but clearly, it just supported her theory that the gods were aliens!

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