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Hērmês had not never felt so listless in his life.

The world had gone dark for nearly two weeks as he worked through his emotions. It probably would have continued for a longer amount of time if it were not for his children stepping up. And he would have to show his thanks to the minor gods that shared domains with him for their assistance also. Everything was just so bleak, and Father refused to allow him to work off his distractions as every lead that had been tracked hid her from him.

Apóllōn could only catch glimpses of her on the tapestry that showed her further into the future than any of them preferred. Hḗrē insisted that she had no hand in what happened to her something that Alatheia and Apóllōn confirmed, but the goddess of marriage was tearing her hair out searching for the girl. Leaneíras was the key to her perfect family after all.

He supposed that the only light within everything that he was divorced.

No more Peithō though Laranda continued to hold on tightly.

Father had thought that they needed some time apart though Hḗrē had tracked him down to Mount Kyllene when he went by there with the divorce papers already drawn up. There had also been inventory of all things that he received in dowry and the belongings that Peithō wanted to lay claim to. By the time that he made his way back to Ólumpos, everything had already been finalized and his home looked as if she had never been there at all.

Regardless of it all, he still felt as if he were wasting away.

He had tried to distract himself with his duties, but again, Father refused to let him work off his distractions. He tried to pick up hobbies that he once enjoyed, but he could only think of how he had wanted to share that time with Leaneíras, showing off his skill to her.

Hērmês knew that his Father worried. He saw it every time that the King looked upon him and Poseidón, especially Poseidón for Lea and Percy were both missing. He knew that his Father was doing his best to hold them together, but it was just so hard. He had finally gotten the girl; the love of his life. They had found their footing.

She loved him!

And he loved her.

And she was taken from him anyway.

He had been infuriated when Hḗrē sent him down to the kingdom of Ilyria only for him to see Kírkē bearing the face of his blessing. He knew that it was needed since it was a part of the cover story that they made for the twins. He was still peeved that he wasn't able to be there with his actual khaos-mate watching as she was introduced to Princess Kleomestra Nova Leaneíras of the Kaplan Clan. The jokes that he would have made as he watched her register the fact that history had been completely rewritten because of her actions. He would have enjoyed pointing out the differences in the things that she knew and what had been changed because of her such as Eliza and Medea's familial backgrounds becoming a bit more prominent. He would love telling her of how the worship of the Jaxson Pantheon changed what she knew to be Doggerland into a kingdom that stood against colonization and Christianization though not from the lack of effort. He'd show her the temple dedicated to her that held a statue of her similar to the Fontaine de Diane; a marble Mannerist sculpture of the goddess Dīāna, representing Diane de Poitiers. The sculpture would be made in the image of her and Salome as she calmly twirled Lævateinn in her hand.

Hērmês could only imagine the surprise that she would wear to see Medea and Eliza as their families were connected, watching as they twirled around in their respective clans. The interest that would be in her eyes when she learned that Princess Kleomestra was actually a daughter of Venus with the gift of shapeshifting.

And yet it was all for naught since his Leaneíras was nowhere to be found even though Kírkē did find join in spreading more rumors of her being a cryptid.

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