|You Are Everything My Heart Desires|

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If Leaneira ever saw a test squab ever again, she was going to scream.

The airport had been filled with police officers and doctors and anything else you could think of until she and the others could all be transferred to a "safe location". A quick spell had been needed to manipulate the pilot that flew Drew and the others over, but Lea didn't feel all that guilty over it. What she needed more than ever was to get away so she could sit at Ethan's side until Drew finished her quest.

So, she was a bit thankful when Kirke appeared at the side of Drew's foster father to take over and whoever that was that was playing her Uncle because Lea had seen Zeus before and that was not Zeus. It was more like one of the statues from Olympos than her Uncle. But as soon as she had gotten the all-clear and Kirke made the necessary preparations and talking over everyone to get things to go her way even with Piper's Father appearing, Lea had grabbed Lou Ellen and the RowdyRuff Boys by the hand, teleported them to camp and then made her way to her Mother's apartment.

She had been told by Paul that they had carted Ethan off to one of the lower floors in the building and Lee Fletcher had prepped him for surgery. He was severely dehydrated with bones that had begun to heal wrong, an infection had set in on some of his cuts, and he had a fever so high that caused him to be a bit delirious with some bouts of awareness. Gleeson told them that Drew gave him a bit of nectar and Chiron mentioned that there's no telling what it had healed, but they'd do their best to fix what was left.

Leaneira had time to sneak off to her room, and allowed herself to cry once again because it felt as if she gained one person to lose another. Ethan had been like a brother to her (so did Trent; so did Alabaster) but Percy was her actual brother, and she still did not know where he was being kept!

She made her downstairs where her Mother and stepfather had gathered. Her Mother was using the appliances within that unit while Paul was still wearing that perturbed look on his face whenever he was faced with the fact that the apartment building essentially only belonged to them. A refugee for the homeless on the lower levels and a makeshift base for runaway demigods that needed to be transported to camp; an area for the pegasi, and plenty of rooms for the campers that wanted to try to start back attending mortal school. (A lot of them were spread between Yancy and B.A.G. and even some school called Goode High. The Tenth Cabin had seen to a demand of scent neutralizers.)

The door to the room that they were healing Ethan in opened. Lee stepped out, blond curls falling into his face and out of the waist length braid that he had it pulled into.

"He's been cursed," Lee Fletcher told her, wiping his hands with a cloth. "We've done all we can to stabilize him, but Chiron says very strong magic is killing him as fast as we heal him."


Lee nodded. "We healed all his wounds from his capture, but now it just reverses what we do. We fix a punctured lung and a rib snaps. We fix that and suddenly he has kidney failure. Fix that and the bone in his legs shatter. We cannot give him anymore ambrosia or nectar in case he burns up. A curse."

She knew of only one curse that was on him.

Lea pursed her lips and nodded. "Give me ten minutes." Pushing past him, she slipped into the bathroom. She filled the tub with water before pouring a half cup of sea water within in. Placing some obsidian crystals, fluorite and black tourmaline that she had soaked in moon water around the tub, she grabbed a cloth and allowed that soak within the remaining moon water while making a reminder to make some more. She teleported to the roof to grab a fresh batch of black snake root to repel evil spirts before going back down to her room to grab some amethyst and clear quartz to create a talisman for him.

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