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Nova felt like she was in a stalemate. She felt... Broken. Like a great dark cloud was looming over everywhere she went. She couldn't stand what was happening to Stiles.

She had to turn him. She had to do it. At least that's what she told herself...

He had lost too much blood to even survive but he held on tight for her to notice him...For her to take care of him... She almost lost him. Yet another love of her life. Almost lost in the great soar of the wind. But she didn't. And she was grateful for that; she wasn't grateful for the agony Stiles was in. He was constantly burning up, his body twisting and turning frantically as he slept. She never left his side. Which made Noah concerned for her mental health. He was worried for Stiles as well, but he understood that we would make it through. He believed that his son had to.


It's now been two weeks and Stiles seems to be gaining his strength back. And more strength. Which overall is an excellent sign that vampirism is taking over his body. Stiles sat in his bed— Nova wouldn't let him get out— with a laptop in his lap. He was content with the situation, as he was researching everything he could find on vampirism.

"Wait, get this! Some vampires can transform into animals like bats, cats, or mice... Oh! vampires were rumored to cause the bubonic plague."

Nova groans, her hands in her hair as Stiles lists off yet another absurd item he's read. "Stiles, dear; Please get rest- drink your fucking water," Nova says lovingly at first but then turns stern. He grumbles at her childishly, and grabs the water bottle, and chugs it. She couldn't help but let out an amused giggle. She decides to climb into his bed and cuddle up to him. "Your heartbeat sounds different," Nova mentions as she lays her head on his chest.

"Yeah? Probably because I have dead blood now," Stiles jokes. He realizes this was a low blow and immediately apologizes. Nova denies his apology and shakes her head. "Don't be, it's true; plus it was funny," she says with a small shrug and slap to his chest. He kisses her forehead and brings her closer.

"I can hear your heartbeat now," Stiles whispers, focusing on the calm rhythm of her heart. Now he understood why Nova always liked for him to be quiet at times— So, she could hear his beating heart. "It's nice."

After a bit of silence, Nova breaks it. "Hey, Stiles? Would you like for me to find a cure?" She asks with a small voice. His eyes go wide, almost comically, and he shakes his head. "This is the second-best thing that happened to me! Never!"

Nova gave him an interrogatory expression. "Second best?"

Stiles nods and squeezes her hips. He repeats the words 'Second best'. "You're the first," he says with a cheesy grin. He boops her nose and she rolls her eyes. "That was cheesy," Nova retorts with a faux unamused tone.

Stiles squeezes her and pulls her onto his lap. His laptop was long forgotten and put aside on the nightstand beside the bed. "You love it, honey," He snickers with a cute wink.

Nova's mind wonders again. This time to a more stygian place. "Do you think Noah hates me now?"

Stiles responds with a shake of his head before opening his mouth to speak. "He told me when I explained that all this stuff existed... that he knew I would eventually become something else...I think he already comes to terms that I'm stronger than him now," Stiles jokes slightly. "Seriously though, he won't be mad at my future wife, he already knows how obsessed I am with you... He teases me for it," Stiles grumbles remembering how Noah teased him for a straight hour while they talked after school one day.

Nova's ears perk up at the words 'Future' and 'Wife'. She repeats them herself. "Future wife? You plan to marry me?" Nova says with her eyes widened. This was a big step in their relationship... Stiles seems to pick up on her panic and panics as well.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07 ⏰

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