9- You're my pepper

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Stiles groans and attempts to stretch his limps. His arms were held down by something hugging him. That someone was Nova. The two were both in a fetal position. Nova was the big spoon hugging his body. Their legs were tangled slightly constricting his movement even more.

Stiles thinks back to the night before, worried that anything happened. He remembers her hands rubbing his shoulder and his hair. How they gently caressed his face like it could break. He blushes deep, his heart starting to race. 

Nova stirs. Her hand rests under his chin, playing with the neck of his shirt. "Good morning. Sorry, I slept over. You kind of pulled me with you," Nova half lies. 

"It's no problem. Thank you for helping me sleep." His hands reach up to hers, holding them in place. His voice was soft like the wind. His voice tickled her ears. 

Nova leaned on her elbow, propping herself so she could see his face. Red was tainting his face, his teeth nibbling on his lips. "Next time text me, so I can come over, yeah?" Her was voice low in a whisper, slightly louder than his. Her voice made him shiver. Nova watched him shiver, smiling as she knew. He started into her eyes, his eyes slightly dilated. 

"Do, you want to go to Scott's later?" His voice mutters in a groan. Stiles shifts, the light shining into his eyes. 

"Why later?" 

"I'm pretty sure Scott still has the jeep. That and I want to cuddle." He turns and lays his head on her shoulder. His arms wrap around her, pulling her closer. Her torso arches, pressing against his body. 

Nova doesn't respond in words. She responds with her hands rubbing his back letting him lay on her. Nova's heart was racing. She breathes deeply to attempt to calm it. Stiles ear was over her heart. He listens to it thump quickly, smiling to himself. 

Stiles' phone buzzes, making Stiles groan. The phone buzzes again against the nightstand. Stiles grabs his phone and checks his messages. "It's from Scott. He kept the jeep last night, he'll be over in a bit."

Nova nods. Stiles rolls off the bed beginning to search through his closet. He searches for clothes telling her that he is going to take a quick shower. She nods once more, laying back down in the bed. Nova waits for him, rolling her thumbs around in a twirl against each other.


Nova had just gotten out of the shower and got dressed. Scott arrived at Stiles' and took them both back home so Nova could freshen up. 

"So, when do I get to meet Kira?" Nova asks. Her hands fix her shirt, pulling it down. 

Scott sat on her bed, his arms crossed. "Today." 

Nova's eyes widen, her body perking with excitement. "I get to make new friends!" Nova yells running around her room. 

"Sorry, but you can't replace me." Stiles remarks. He was sitting against the bed on the floor. His legs were pulled close to his chest. 

Nova pans to him, "You're irreplaceable, babes." Nova smirks knowing the effect of the nickname. Stiles blushes, rolling his eyes playfully. Stiles shifts with awkwardness. 

Scotts stands to his feet, pulling Stiles to his feet. "Come on, we should go meet them." 

Nova gets an idea in her head. "You want me to give you a piggyback ride, Sti?" 

"Do I want to get- Of course I want to get a piggyback ride," he gestures with his hand, ushering her to get ready.

Nova grins. She squats and waits for him to get on her back. He jumps on her, her hands going back to catch him. Nova's hands move down his body, getting a better grip. Her hands stop and the middle of his thighs and hold them in place. Stiles' arms wrap around her shoulder, careful to not choke her. 

Stiles tries not to focus on the fact that he was pressed against her. Or the fact that her hands were on his thighs. Or that she didn't even seem to struggle carrying 147 pounds of pale skin and bones. 

The trio laughs all the way to the jeep. Scott teases his best friend as they walk. Nova walks to the driver seat for Stiles before going to the passenger seat. Scott gets in the back.

"So, where are we going?" Nova questions. Nova's legs were in the seat, her shoes were off. 

"To my house; We're all going to hang there. We just have to pick up Lydia, Kira, and Malia."

"How are we all going to fit?"

Stiles turns to look at Nova before focusing back onto the road. "We'll fit." Nova side-eyes him before holding her knee in place.

Stiles always drives, well- it is his jeep but still. She just thought it was funny how she'd always sit in the passenger seat, she's like a passenger princess. Nova laughs hysterically, breaking her from her thoughts. 

Nova turns around to look at Scott. "I'm a passenger princess, Scotty." Her smile was wide, showing her humor. 

Stiles' mouth opens in laughter, giggling after he speaks. "Yeah, well you're a pretty cool passenger princess."

Scott squeezes the bridge of his nose. "You two act too much like each other." His statement was the truth. The way Nova's and Stiles' energy bounced off each other was amusing to Scott. Scott never thought he would find another Stiles but he did, and he's related to her. And for that, he loved her, not just because he was related to her. 

"Hey, that makes it interesting," Nova yells. She scoffs, her arms crossing. 

Stiles agrees, continuing her words. "You have to have some spice in your life."

"You guys aren't my spice, you're my pepper."

Nova deadpans to him. "Are you saying we make you sneeze? Because it sounds like you're saying we make you sneeze. Which kind of means you're allergic to us."

"I wish I was at this point," Scott snickers. 

Stiles looks at his friend from the rearview mirror. "Well, aren't you salty?" Stiles bites his lip, attempting to hold back his laughter. Nova slaps his arms, playfully releasing her laughter. Her laughter makes Stiles let go and soon Scott joins in. 

Started: 9/16/23
Finished: 9/16/23
Last edited: 9/16/23
Published: 12/11/23
Word Count: 1064

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