20- Pretty Boy

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Nova sat on the lacrosse field with her boys practicing her shots. Stiles groans, his head rolling back in annoyance. "Why does the pretty boy have to be here?"

"Shit, Stiles. Take him on a date already," Nova growled. She undershots the ball towards Scott and misses. She hisses in defeat and tries again.

Isaac chuckles at Nova. "I am a pretty boy."

Nova frowns as she misses again. "Can I be a pretty boy?" She pouts. 

Stiles nods patting her shoulder awkwardly. "You're the prettiest boy, Nova." Nova smiles at that, hitching the ball into the net under her body. She slams the stick down and flexes her muscles downward. "Let's go, baby!"

After a bit of practicing her shots, she jumps onto Stiles' back making them both fall. "Damn, give me a fucking warning." Nova fake cries, before she bursts out laughing. She was on her back and Stiles was between her legs before getting up quickly. "I want a piggyback ride, asshole." 

Isaac pulls her up before Stiles can and says, "I'll give you one." She jumps on his back her legs securely locking around him. Her hands go up in the air, celebrating she is getting a ride. The wind flows through her bun, strings of hair flowing in different directions. Isaac runs off the field and to Stiles's jeep. 

Stiles and Scott both approach Isaac and Nova. Nova spots them and slides off Isaac's back. Stiles stood at his jeep, his lips were thinned and his jaw was clenched. Nova saunders toward him and kisses his cheek; A simple action to calm him down. He kissed her forehead, his eyes positioned toward Isaac in a glare. Nova's eyes glint, giving a downward smile. 

"So, same time tomorrow?" Nova questions the three. 

Stiles nods, opening the door for her. She batts her eyes up to him. His eyes lingered on her chest. This makes her grin before Scott yells at him. "Eyes better go up, Stilinski." Scott sat in the car, his hand holding on the front seat, his eyes were on his friend, sending daggers to him. Stiles surrenders, his hands going into the air. Nova shifts her weight in her seat. The door shuts before Stiles jogs around and gets in the jeep.


"And then she said 'No Stiles'?!"

"I'd be upset," Nova agrees. She sets a gel deodorant back down and looks for another scent. Stiles, Nova, Melissa, and Scott were all at the store. Nova had begged Melissa for her to be able to go and bring Stiles. She finally agreed when she said that she promised to cause no inconvenience in the store. She also may have pulled the doggy eyes on her holding Stiles like a Teddy bear while he pouted as well. 

"So, this is your replacement for her, huh?" A rough voice said from down the aisle. Nova steps in front of Stiles, pushing back to protect him. Stiles obliged, his head peaking over her shoulder.

"What are you doing here? Are you following me?" Her mouth spoke. Her mouth was quicker than her brain her fangs threatening to extend. His daring eyes continue to threaten her, his stance never faltering. Orion stood with a casual stance, his muscular torso poking forward as the necklace hangs around his neck. His jaw was sharp, and relaxed, and begins to open to speak. 

"No, I came here for pain medicine actually."

Nova scoffs, her feet stepping closer. "You don't need medicine, you heal. We all do."

"It's not for me."

"Yeah, like I would believe that."

"It's for my boyfriend."

Nova's eyes narrowed, sizing him up. Moments of silence go by before she speaks up. "What's his name?"


This time, Stiles was the one to speak up. "Danny? As in Danny Māhealani?" Orion hesitantly nods, nodding faster as he goes.

"Wow, I didn't expect that."

Nova's jaw was slack before she snapped it shut and pursed her lips. "Me neither." Her eyes wander the shelves before grabbing Stiles and slowly exiting the aisle. She sniffs and goes towards the direction of her alpha brother. They run in that direction before almost running into Melissa. 

"Sorry sorry! We were running from my blood brother." Nova frowns. Her eyes softened, and she hugged her mother. 

"I'm assuming he's horrible?" Mellissa whispers. She nods into her shoulder, her body releasing the hug. Her arms stay on her shoulder as her eyes search her. Her face softened when she realized Melissa wasn't mad. 

Stiles slaps his hand on the shoulder looking behind Melissa. Nova's eyes follow his eyes landing on Orion. He waves politely, handing Nova a piece of paper. "Please, just talk to me." Nova snatches the paper, opening it and snickering. She glares up to him and shakes her head. She shoves Melissa and Stiles behind her, pushing them to go away. 

"Not after what you did."

She hurries away, Scott putting his arm around her shoulder to comfort her. It works, her breath slowing. She nods to him, thanking him silently. 


They all sat in the car, Melissa driving and Scott in the front. Nova and Stiles sat in the back playing rock, paper, scissors. Stiles threw up his hands in defeat, groaning. "Stop that, you're too good at this," Stiles cries. Nova giggled, glancing away from his glare. Her hands massage her thighs and he watches. His hands stop her fidgeting, slowly massaging her hands. His eyes stare at their hands. Her bambi eyes trail his hands to his face which was filled with concentration. His tendons move slowly as his soft hands massage into hers. Her teeth pull on her bottom lip, her piercing clanking against her teeth slightly. 

The car stops, and Melissa pulls the key out of the ignition. They all get out quickly, all helping with the groceries. Nova holds five to six bags in each hand and runs in. She organizes the pantry, and the fridge as well. Melissa thanked her for the help, telling Nova how she wanted it to be organized. Nova listens doing as she was told. 

Started: 9/23/23
Finished: 9/23/23
Last Edited: 12/11/23
Published: 9/23/23
Word Count: 1007

Vampire Things | Stiles Stilinski x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang