25- Vampiric Heat Rage

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Nova's arm collides with Orion's. He was currently going into a heated rage. The two were currently in the boy's locker room. His eyes were said one word and it read hunger. He had chased Stiles' scent from watching him on the field to the locker room. Stiles had a busted nose so blood had caused him to go feral.

Nova's fangs were out along with her sharpened nails, her veins showing under her eyes. Her nails clawed at him and hissed at him. His glowing eyes flickered before lunging at her. His teeth sink into her shoulder and she kicks him off on contact. She jumps up and towers over him before he catches his breath and she kicks him in the fang. This angers him but she slits her wrist and drips blood into his mouth. She slaps her wrist over his mouth as he struggles but relaxes at the taste and begins to suck into her wrist. His eyes flicker again before going dark, his fangs and claws going away. 

Nova sat there out of breath on her back. Her head turns to Stiles who was scrambled into the showers. His body trembles as his scent is consumed with fear. "You okay, Tiger?" She slides toward him and holds his body. She holds his face with her beaten-up hands and kisses him. She pulls out her blood vial and hands it to him, "Drink this if you ever not want that to happen again."

"What is it?" His fingers latch onto the skinny vial, his eyes falling into her worried ones. 

"It's a spell, used with my blood. The strongest vampiric blood you can get. A luring seduction. It masks your scent for every vampire but me." 

A blood drop drips onto his shirt and he notices, he looks at her wrists and panics. "You're not healing."

"It's because I'm stopping my body from doing so." Her fingers tap below his ear. The hickey that was there was almost healed. Brown replaced the one dark purple. 


"Drink, please," she pleads.

He nods and pops open the vial and hesitates. He downs it quickly and groans from the taste. She holds up her wrist and offers it. He looks at her like she is crazy. "It completes the spell, all you need is a drop, but the more blood you consume the stronger the spell is." He nods before licking her wrist, his eyes roll back into his head and she hisses at the feeling of his dull teeth knawing her wrist. She tries to pull her wrist back and his hands tighten around her wrist. Her other hand flies to his hair and pulls him back. "You'll get sick if you drink any more, sweetie." She wipes her blood from his face and heals her wrist. 

Scott runs into the locker room and analyzes the room. His heart quickens at the sight of Orion knocked out on the floor. "We're over here." He sprints to Nova's voice and hugs them both. They hug back weakly and he growls at the smell. 

"What did you do?"

"That's the spell you're smelling; It hides his nectar smell." 

Scott nods and Nova pulls herself up. Scott pulls his friend up, his arm wrapping over his shoulder. Nova stalks toward Orion and kicks him awake. "Hey dipshit, you going to attack him again?" Orion groans and covers his face and wipes the evidence. She grabs him by the collar of his shirt lifting him and slams him against a locker. His feet dangled against the cold metal as her arm held his neck and restricted his airflow. "The next time you haven't fed for a while, tell me. I may be upset with you but I will never let you starve. Now, tonight you're going to write a good long, Sincere apology to Stiles and why you would never feed on him. And after that, you're going to go out in the night with me to feed. Like you're supposed to. Every time you're hungry. Not just wait until you go into a vampiric heat rage and go after the one person I don't want to be harmed. You understand that?" Orion nods quickly and Nova drops him to the floor. "Yes, what?"

His hands hold his throat and croaks out a response. "Yes, ma'am." 


Nova lay on her bed with soft music playing from her record player. It was late at night and Scott was out on a date with Kira once again. Melissa was pulling a double shift. She had just gotten home from feeding with Orion. She had caught a deer for him so he could eat. He could have caught it himself, but she was quicker due to him being weak from not feeding. She didn't know why he hadn't fed and she was worried about him. Even if she was upset with him she still had sympathy for her enemies. He wasn't her enemy anymore, though.

Panicked knocks tore Nova out of her thoughts. She turned to the window and saw Stiles struggling to maintain position. She was quick and opened the window and pulled him in. "What are you doing here?"

"I was thinking of you," Stiles shrugged, he dusted off his clothes and pulled himself from the floor to her bed. Black mist consumes Nova's body, the mist rushing to the bedroom door, shutting it, and zooming next to him. His jaw went slack and her index finger slowly closed it. She crosses her legs delicately and leans her body towards him.

"What about?" She purred. Her index finger finger turns his head to look at her. His mouth fell open again and she smiled, her fangs peaking from her mouth. 

His index finger points to her fangs and he roused. "That." She tongues her fang and he gulps. 

"You forget I can smell your emotions. You were aroused ever since I held Orion against the locker. You do know werewolves can smell too, right?"

Stiles gulps once more. His clammy hands rub into his tightened jeans and his dilated pupils stare at her mouth. His mouth goes dry and he clears his raspy throat. Her thumb trails from his chin to his lips, softly pulling on the bottom. 

She kisses him, her fingers tickling his neck. She traces lines into his neck with her sharpened nail. "Why'd you think of me?" She breathily teased.

He breathes deeply, "Why wouldn't I?" His voice was cracked and dry and she leaned over him to grab a water bottle from her nightstand. He falls on his elbows causing her breast to rub against his jean-covered cock. She flicks off the lid, the plastic lid falling on his lap, she offers the bottle and he takes it, sipping it. Her hands grab the lid and put it back onto the bottle. "Am I going to feed you now?" He asks. He pulls her onto her lap and she slaps his chest from his cockiness. 

Nova grins and pushes his torso down; The soft comforter touches his back and holds his body. Her hips slowly move into his, her eyes locked onto his. Her grinning mouth bites her lips, her fang almost piercing her lip. His hands travel her body, as does the arousal travel the air to her nose. His nails trickled her back leaving scratch marks. His soft fingertips massage where he scratches as his hips move into circles with hers. Her hand grabs his throat and his heart skyrockets. Her free hand guides his hands to her ass, making his hand squeeze. His hand moves up slowly, his hands starting to pull down her shorts. She stops him, her body stopping. "Please don't." His brows furrow, his hooded eyes staring into her glossed eyes. "Not yet." He gets the hint and nods. He pulls her down and kisses her, his hands squeezing her ass once more. She squeals into the kiss making his chest grumble with a laugh. 

Started: 9/26/23
Finished: 9/27/23
Last Edited: 9/27/23
Published: 9/27/23
Word Count: 1330

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