28- Blood Ring

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"By the way Nova, here." Derek pulls something dark from his pocket and tosses it to Nova. She caught it flawlessly. It was a ring; The smell of blood emitting from the black ring. It was a black ring holding a rose with a red gem in the middle. She leans toward the gem and sniffs, her eyes roll back from the sweet smell of blood, and groans. The gem looked like a ruby; It wasn't a ruby but it was a Blood gem. 

"A blood ring," Nova laughs from shock. "How did you get your hands on this?" Nova asks. "This ring was probably made back in like 1200s maybe even further before. These things are rumored to hold life force from things we kill or harm. It holds their very life force in this gem. We can't heal properly in the day, so this would heal me in the day. I think we can also feed from this ring if there is enough in there." Nova begins to shake the ring listening quietly for the life force to hum. 

"What are you doing to it?" Stiles asks curiously. His hands were rubbing on his jeans, his eyes focusing on her pale hands. 

"Listening to the sound. From the smell and sound, there are two people in here,"

"There's people in there?" Stiles asks. Worry laced his soft smooth voice, almost luring Nova into a lullaby if it wasn't for the worry that unsettled her. 

"Their blood; Blood holds energy, so us vampires we can hear the voice of those who bled. We mostly smell it, but when it's held in a rock or something solid like this," Nova holds up the ring twisting it in circles on her index finger. "We can't smell it properly, but we can always hear it. It's a quiet hum of a voice."

"Do you always hear it?" Scott asks. Nova nods hesitantly. Nova rolls her sweater sleeves down, toying with the loose strings, along with twisting the ring on her knuckle.

"We are taught to block it out at a young age, that is unless you are turned into one of us obviously," Nova laughs awkwardly thinking of Orion. It took him a year to be able to block out the extra sounds. He was able to block out some but for him it was particularly harder for him to block out certain ones.

"Wait, question. If someone were to be, I don't know, had drugs you would know? Like Adderall?"

Nova nods. "Yes, it would leave remnants. Even if it's simple like Whiskey, I hate the taste of Whiskey." She slid the ring on and jumped off the table that was in the middle of the room. She hugs Derek and kisses his cheek to thank him. He pats her back awkwardly and she runs back to Stiles. 

"Okay, so can you charge it?" Nova nods to Stiles' question. She holds his soft hand in hers, interlocking it.

"I'm charging it as we speak," Nova winks. Her thumb massages his hand. Her thumb causes shivers to run up his spine, his body relaxes into it.

He stares at her lips and pulls his eyes to hers. He kisses her cheek and smiles cheekily. "How much did that charge?"

"I'm assuming more than holding hands," Peter states for the swirled stairs. 

Nova jumps and flips him off. "When did this bitch get here?"

"Nova, Why do you even ask at this point?" Derek sighs. 

"I'm not a female dog."

"Yeah, well you look like one with it's tail between it's legs," Nova remarks. Peter growls and stands up. Nova gets in a defensive stance her extra row of teeth revealing themselves. Peter takes a step back and puts his hands up in defense. 

Nova hisses in pain. Her ring twists on her finger, the ring turning red hot. She attempts to pull it off but it pinches her, feeling like it was burning into her skin. Stiles watches her distress and tries to pull it off as well. "Stop! Don't touch it!" She groans holding her index finger that it was slipped onto. "I don't think it's gonna come off any time soon."

"How's that?" Scott asks. His voice was low in a whisper lacing with curiosity.

"It just connected with her; She won't be able to take that ring off until she dies," Derek stalks toward her, grabs her hand, and examines the ring. He tugs on it and she groans, kicking him in the shin. He doesn't groan in pain nor does he move, but he chuckles and gently removes his hand from hers. She stares at him, confused for a moment. Stiles, watching and not liking that he touched her, grabs her hand and pulls her into her chest protectively. He stares at him, gunning him with his eyes, and kisses her temple.

"Relax Padiwan, I'm not going after her. She's too young," Derek scoffs and slams his back into the pillar once more. This time his hands go into his pockets, keeping them there. 

Stiles doesn't calm down, especially with the witty remark. Rather his heart continues to race. He continues holding Nova and guides her to the window next to Isaac. Nova straddles his waist and fumbles with his hoodie strings. Stiles grabs her hips and massages them. She leans into his chest and his chin rests on her head. Goosebumps rise on her skin, the hair on the back of her neck rising. She snuggles further into him, wanting to feel his warmth. Nova grimaces, her finger hurting her again.

They sit there and enjoy each other's presence. The others talk and hang out, overall having a good time. Derek eventually puts music on through a speaker, making the atmosphere less tense. 

Stiles leans up, excuses himself, and pulls his hoodie off. His shirt rolls up and Nova holds his shirt up admiring what is revealed under it. Stiles laughs and shoves his hoodie in her face. Nova pulls the hoodie on, she flaps her hands around trying to get her hands threw the holes. He assists her, a stupid smile on his face. 

"You look cute."

Nova smiles sweetly, her eyes softening. Her cold hands go under his shirt, trailing his stomach and causing him to shiver. She smiles and pecks him on the lips before getting up and turning toward the group.

Started: 9/30/23
Finished: 9/30/23
Last Edited: 9/30/23
Published: 10/1/23
Word Count: 1060

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