19- Library studying & Celebrations

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Nova sat in the library with Lydia. They were both studying together, enjoying each other's presence. It was Nova's free period so Nova chose to study a bit. Lydia went with her because she was bored and was reading a book of her own. 

Aiden walks up behind her, covering her eyes. Nova groaned before turning her page and telling them to get a room. Lydia smirks, grabbing her stuff, and leaves. "I was kidding but gross," Nova says in a joking to herself. Nova continued reading the paragraph before writing an answer to her paper for economics. Nova didn't get her work done from the previous day due to her walking out. Luckily, Scott had gotten her work for her and gave it to her at home.

Nova stands, walking to a bookshelf looking for another book to read. Hands poke her sides, her heart panicking before she smells Stiles. "You scared me, asshole."

"Well yeah, that was the point."

"I thought you were some random creep." Nova's finger traces a spine of a book, before pulling it out. Lips kiss her neck softly, his hands traveling her waist. "So, you are a creep," Nova laughs. She places the book back onto the shelf and turns to him, kissing him tenderly. "What's up?"

His grip tightens on her waist, "Just missed you," he mumbles. 

"I saw you at lunch an hour ago."

"Too long."

Nova smiles, kissing him on the forehead before she grabs her books again. She walks to her table again, sitting down and pulling a chair out for Stiles next to her. She moves her bag and his back to the chairs in front of them and starts working on her paper again. His head leans on her shoulder, watching what she did. He corrects one of her answers and she thanks him softly. 

Nova writes another answer, sniffling as she finishes her first paper. Nova sniffs again, her stomach turning at the smell. Butterflies zoom around her stomach, feeling Stiles snuggle into her chest. His eyes were closed and a content smile was on his face. The smell stayed, arousal emitting from his pores. Her nails scratched his stomach and his back as she started reading the book she had grabbed earlier. Soft moans filled her ears as she hummed at him. "Quiet, Sti, we're in a library," she whispered down into his ear. "Where is your crime partner?" Nova asks, trying to make conversation.

"He's in chem class." 

"Stiles?" Nova whispered. He peeks up at her only one eye opening. "You know I can smell you, right?" His eyes widen, blushing a deep red. He hides his face into her chest and grips into your shirt. Nova snickers, her fingers trailing his happy line. Her fingers tickle at the hem of his belt, teasing him. "You going to be quiet?" He whimpers into her chest, his head going under her jacket. One of his hands swiftly unbuckled his belt and brought her hand into his pants. 

She started reading a text from her book, her free hand bringing it closer to her so she could read it properly. Her other hand strokes him under the table, her fingers trailing the vein on his cock. Her thumb massages his tip, his legs twitching in his seat. "Stop moving, sweets," she says under her breath. His legs stilled, his hands tightening around her waist under her jacket. His short nails dig into her sides, surely leaving crescent marks on her skin. Her free hand starts to play with his hair, he whimpers into her chest, the sensation of his cock being played with and his hair being played with so domestically turning him on even more.

Her wrist twists and turns, her left hand quickly turning the page before going back to his soft hair. One of his hands squeezes on her thigh tightly his hips thrusting into her hand. His hips are still as his cock twitches, a small whimper vibrating into her body. He cums into her hand and his lips latch onto her lips quickly. Her hand eases him through his orgasm, her lips planting a tender kiss on his nose. 

Nova looked around, seeing that it was clear she cleaned her hand up, licking it all away. He groans watching her, his eyes filled with lust. Cum drips down her finger and she smears it onto his pouted lip before she laughs half-heartedly at the lustful look. She licks it off his bottom lip, sucking onto it. Her teeth nibbled into it and then her lips greeted his nose again. 

Nova walked into economics and looked around where everyone sat. She released a breath of relief, not knowing she was holding her breath for so long. Nova sat in her usual spot, her back relaxing against her chair. She took a quick sip of her potion, Stiles running in before the bell rang, and sat down before Coach could enter. "I told you I would beat you." He turned around, his eyes playfully squinting. 

"You cheated."

"Yep, totally," Nova smiled sarcastically. Her fingers tapped the desk in the usual pattern of a five-point star.

Coach walks into class and gives Nova a thumbs up. He closes the door sitting on the edge of his desk after. The class looks at her and Nova raises her arms in the air and fists the air. Nova stands up and runs around the room before grabbing the chalk and drawing a small penis. Coach pushes out the way and erases it. "Go sit down." Nova salutes him, and bows running to her seat and ruffling Scott's hair as she goes. The class giggles at her behavior, her smile growing at the laugh at her. 

"Hey Coachie Woachie Roachie, I love you," Nova calls out. Her hands go into a heart formation and winks at him playfully. He shakes his head and then holds the bridge of his nose. 

"Quit disrupting the class or you're down the favorite list."

Nova fake gasps, her hand going to her heart in an offending manner. "Now, Coachie, You know I could never go down the list." 

The class erupts with small laughter. Nova makes bubble noises as the class calms down. Coach stares at her so she puts her hands up in offense, nodding to start paying attention.

Started: 9/22/23
Finished: 9/22/23
Last Edited: 12/11/23
Published: 9/22/23
Word Count: 1051

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