14- Shock

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A book was in Nova's hands. The red vintage book is being held by tape; It was a random book that Nova checked out at the school's library. A hand that pushes the book down pulls the girl out of her book. Coach. "I asked you a question, but apparently this book is more important than me."

Nova's head tilts at the Coach. "Now, Coach. You're not telling me you're jealous of a book." Coach laughs, looking around the room.

"You keep talking like that you're going down the Favorite McCall list." He hands her the book and walks back to the front. 

"But Coach," Scott gets cut off by Coach.

"Shut it, McCall!"

The class erupts with laughter. Nova winks at her brother, pride emitting from every pore of her body. Scott pouts and waves her off and begins to pay attention to class. 

The class ends and everyone exits the school. Lacrosse practice was today so Nova headed to the girl's locker room and changed. 

Ever since she had begun fighting occasionally with Isaac she began starting run. It was a great way to clear her mind and her emotions. It helped her with more things than just mental. Physical as well. When she ran back home, her eyes would glow; Now she could run and she looked like a speedy human. 

It became a normal thing for the lacrosse boys to yell at her. She had fascinating stamina when it came to running, so much so that Coach would cheer for her to run faster. "You have to join the team, McCall! You're fast." 

As the wind flew through her ponytail, strands of hair stuck to her neck. She quickly moves it back, finding discomfort in the feeling. She yelled back to the man, her legs not stopping. "I have no interest in catching balls with pokeysticks!"

The lacrosse team groans at her before laughing. A few hit their friend's shoulder as they snickered at her. A few of the boys boo at her which almost makes her pause. She flips them off and runs quicker. One of them whistles at her before his shit gets rocked by Scott tackling him, while Stiles cheers him on.

"McCall!, laps now! You too Stilinski!" 

The boys groan before they both start to sprint after Nova. Stiles was behind hyperventilating. His mouth was open, his tongue out grasping for help. As Nova sprints she spots Stiles that was ahead of her now. She catches up to him and then starts running backward to catch a good look at him. 

"Nice tongue, cute one."

He continues gasping for air and just stares at her. "Try a slower pace." His legs slow down at a steady pace. Nova follows, jogging with him. Her pace matches his as they jog next together. 

"How many laps do you usually have to do when you get in trouble like that?" Nova asks attempting to make conversation. Scott joins the pace, jogging on the other side of Stiles. 

"Til the end of practice probably," Stiles breathes. He was still out of breath.

"That or when Coach tells us to stop," Scott adds. His voice was smooth, showing that his werewolf self had control over his endurance. 

"When does practice end again?" Nova asks, her voice smooth as well. Scott holds up four fingers and she nods. 

As Nova nods she hears a whistle of the ball and she catches it before it can hit her face. Everyone that was watching the ball goes still. "Greenburg! You almost hit a girl! No wonder you're still single!" 

Nova chucks the ball hitting the person that almost hit her. "Learn how to throw, asshole! You throw like a girl!" Nova insults. Everyone laughs at her and Greenburg's head hangs low. 

"Stilinski! McCall get back in! Greenburg! Run!" 

The two cheer before going back on the field. As for Greenburg, he does the walk of shame before he starts jogging. 

Nova avoids Greenburg by going to sit down on the benches. She sat next to Isaac, saying hello to him. His eyes land on her, and brighten once he sees her. "Hi," he smiles. 

"How have you and Darek been?" Nova asks. She had been getting closer to Derek recently. Ever since he helped her when she was upset she saw him differently. He gave her big brother vibes, like Scott's but more protective. Nova didn't mind people being overprotective, she actually preferred it. Since at home she never had people to protect her, she had strict people around her but that wasn't with love. Here, she felt the love or respect, whatever you may want to call it. She enjoyed it.

Isaac's smile widens. "He's doing okay; He's been his usual self. As for me though, since you weren't interested I'll keep that to myself," He teases. Nova laughs causing him to laugh with her. "I'm okay, I'm better than Stiles at least, he's dying from lack of oxygen," Isaac points to Stiles.

Stiles was bent over, his mouth open gasping for air. Sweat was in his hair and in his eye causing him to close that eye. Nova gushes at him, adoring him. Her heart flutters at the sight and she silently cheers him on, not wanting to cause a distraction. Isaac notices her flutter and her silence and nudges her. "D'you like him?"

Nova pauses, hesitating. Her eyes find him, and she smiles a bit. "Is it that obvious?" 

Isaac nods. "Kind of, yeah. I guess your heart kind of tells the truth." He smirks small. 

"I have no control of what my heart does," Nova states. Her eyes were still on Stiles, watching him run and try to catch the ball. He catches it and she cheers, jumping into the air. He throws it at the net and actually makes it!

"You should embarrass him," Isaac smirks. Nova looked down at him, he was leaning back on the bleacher behind him. "You, know. Go up and kiss him in front of everyone. Every guy would love that." Nova smirks, nodding, and walks toward him. "Wait- not right- oh well." 

But Nova didn't hear him; Her mind was made up. She didn't hear Coach yelling at her to get out of the way. She didn't feel the eyes on her as she walked across the field. All she saw was Stiles. Stiles was still cheering about his score. She tapped him on the shoulder, Stiles turning to look at her mid-cheer. His arms were in the air as she kissed him. His soft lips molded into hers, desperately begging for more. Her hands were fisted into the collar of his jersey; His hands fell to her waist, his finger going through the loop of her jeans. Her back arches into his torso, connecting the puzzle piece that he oh so needed. 

His tongue was dancing with hers, slowly with need. Before the dancing could continue anymore she releases the kiss and smiles. His eyes flutter open, his eyes filled with shock. His mouth was open, his lips plump. Sweat drops down his forehead and stops by his eyebrow. Her eye follows before she kisses his cheek and whispers in his ear. "Good throw, handsome." 

Before he could respond or even recover himself, she turned quickly and walked away. Her hips sway, and excitement fills her body. A cheesy smile was on her face as she looked back at Isaac. He sat there proud, a smirk on his face. 

Stiles stood there before the team all surrounded him. His body was in shock as the team clapped his back and teased him. Coach yells at them all that practice is over and that it ended with unexpected events due to McCall doing McCall things. 

Started: 9/19/23
Finished: 9/20/23
Last Edited: 12/11/23
Published: 9/20/23
Word Count: 1291

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