22- Trouble with the Brother

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Nova got up early the next day and immediately walked to school. Of course, she texted Stiles and Scott that she wanted to walk. Nova tried her best to hide from everyone. She used concealer to hide the purple bruise under her chin. 

She was sitting in English class waiting for everyone to tramble into the room. A book was out on her desk, her eyes quickly sliding against the page to consume the words. Her fist was under her chin, propping up her head so she could view her book properly. 

Stiles walked in and sat next to Nova, the more people cheered when walking in. She was confused, her eyes landing on the various hickeys on Stiles' neck, including the one under his ear that was dark purple. His face was red, he lifted the collar of his shirt to hide them. Nova's stared at his neck with wide eyes. She leaned into his ear whispering something. "Nice tatts." Stiles glared at her, looking at her covered hickey. 

"You traitor," He whispered. 

She smirks at him, winking at him to go with her mouth curl. Her taunting eyes searched his neck for more, admiring what she had done. She shrugged to herself as she looked back at her hands. Her pencil twirls on her fingers, a prominent teasing smile on her face. 

Scott walks in and eyes Stiles suspiciously. "How did that happen?" Nova's heart quickens as her pencil stops twirling. Her legs shake under her desk, her book seeming to look more interesting now. Scott glanced at her awkward behavior and to his best friend. "STILES!" Stiles falls out of his seat, trying to get away from him. 

"We'll talk about this later," He growled, throwing his bag down to the floor.


It was after school now and Scott drug both Stiles and Nova onto the lacrosse field. Issac followed wanting to get in on the action. Scott threw Stiles to the ground and gently shoves Nova away. He crosses his arms scolding them both like a parent. "Explain."

"I like him, and we made out and I may have gone too far by leaving marks," Nova said quickly. He nodded at her before studying Stiles. Stiles pants, rubbing the dirt of his clothes. 

"What she said," he points to her. Stiles continues searching for dirt, seemingly unbothered from being scolded by his best friend. 

"So, nothing happened?"

"Of stuff happened," Nova assured. She reaches into her side bag grabs a makeup wipe and shows him. She wiped the concealer off her neck revealing a few marks. 

"Damn, good job Stiles," Isaac praises. Scott glares at him, Isaac surrendering, "Good job for being utterly stupid." Nova kicks Isaac in his knee, making him hiss in pain. 

Scott sighs, his fists clenching and unclenching. "Did, you at least wear protection?"

Nova laughs before realizing something. "Oh, we didn't have sex," She waved him off. Stiles shakes his head, confirming what she had said. 

"But stuff did happen?"

They nod. 

"Just, don't hurt each other. I'm not going to stop being friends with him and I can't stop being sisters with Nova." They nod once more. 

Nova claps her hands gaining their attention. "Practice time! I'm going to get changed."

Nova ran off quickly going to the girl's locker room. Once she finishes pulling down her shirt she hears a whistle. She turns to see Stiles watching. "How long have you been there?" Nova grimace. 

"Only enough to see the back of your torso with a few scars."

"That was from you." 

Stiles pauses, his eyes glint as he replays what happened last night. "Sorry," he murmurs. He kisses her tenderly, and her knees quivering. His hand goes to her back and pulls her in. Her hands go to his neck as she stands on her toes to kiss him better. He groans into her mouth, his dick hardening at her hips rubbing against it. His hands go into his hair and his tongue plays with hers. Kissing sounds surround the room as they back into a locker. Nova was the first one to release the kiss with a laugh. Stiles laughs as well saying, "My kiss is powerful."

Nova agrees, her voice in a whisper. "Yes, baby. Your kiss is so powerful." She giggles.

"I know it is, that's why I said it." 

"Mmm, I think my kiss is more powerful," She argues. Her lips purse in tease. 

"How so?" His voice was low in a taunt. His eyes glint with tease and need. 

"Because," She shrugs. She pecks him on the lips.

Stiles sighs and nods, "You have a powerful kiss too, you also have a powerful tongue- gosh damn."

Nova cackled, her stomach moving as she laughed. "Shut up."

"What it's true!"

Comfortable silence rolls into the room. Both of them enjoy each other's presence. Their bodies mold against each other, sharing each other's warmth. They sway in each other's arms, their eyes staring into one another. Her hands travel his toned body, gently massaging into it. His mouth opens with pleasure, sighing. She kissed his chest a few times before guiding him to go outside with her. He obeys, following him like he has nothing else to do. He jumps on her back unexpectedly and she lifts him successfully. She laughs as she starts to run, her hands resting on his ass. She squeezed it as he croaked in surprise. Since her hands were busy, she told him to grab a stick for her. 

Started: 9/23/23
Finished: 9/24/23
Last Edited: 12/11/23
Published: 9/24/23
Word Count: 914

Vampire Things | Stiles Stilinski x readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz