35-For Sylvia

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Nova wakes up with her head banging. She felt like she had what she believed to be a hangover. Except she never drinks so she wouldn't know. She was scared. For the first time, she didn't in what was happening. For the first time, she felt truly alone.

She could feel the panic rising in her chest; She could feel the dark woe consuming her heart as she rumbled into a panic attack. She couldn't smell Scott or Stiles, for once she had no anchor.

When she came to Beacon Hills she knew she would have just that; She thought it would be Melissa until she met the 'cute one'.

She falls out of bed, stumbling around to sniff for Scott. He helped her once to calm her down. But yet again, she couldn't sense him in the house. But then she smelled it... Blood. Stiles' blood. And he still had the smell remover so only she could smell him...

Her nails grew, her teeth growing, and her eyes hardened into a deep red. She zoomed out of the house and ran as fast as she could. Smoke covered her body, turning her into a ball of smoke as she zoomed through the tree's shadows. Tree after tree her headache subsided as her only focus was the mate of her life. She didn't want to lose yet another mate... Soon she was at an abandoned barn and she broke throw the rotten wood door. Wood dust flew everywhere as she broke through. She could smell him... But now she could smell Scott.

"Ahh, darling! You've made it for our meal!" John yells from on top of the platform. Nova growls and zooms up to him and tackles him. "What did you do to him!" She spat, she looked not of herself, demonic almost as she started at the one man she swore she wouldn't have to look at again. "He's right here," he groaned eyeing a pillar on the left. There was Scott tied with chains around him. But where is Stiles? She stares at Scott and he shakes his head. The silent communication to know that John didn't know of Stiles.

She looked around and saw a tip of a shoe behind a hay bale. She got off her father and hugged him to catch him off guard. "I've missed you," Nova trails with a faux tone. Hopefully, Stiles would get the hint. "Maybe we can.... move back?" she faux asks John. She could tell Stiles got the point as she no longer could see his shoe.

John clears his throat, pulling her back to take a look at her. "So, you're not mad at me after all I've done?"

Nova rolls her eyes and slaps him. Hard. "Of course I'm mad, you dumbass!" she spat. Literally. She spat on his face. "Who do you think I am? I'm not gonna waltz in here and be like 'Oh, father, how thou I miss you! You killed my mate for the good! She was a foul human even though your mate was human too! Kill her and save me!" Nova yells dramatically acting like a Renaissance princess. "No!" she pushes him, taking a big step toward him. His back touched the wooden railing as her malice scared him profusely. This was the first time she ever talked back to him... "I will never forgive you, you stupid Mumpsimus!" She pushes him off the platform his body crumbling straight onto a rusted tractor. His head hit the metal and he laughs. She kicks off the railing to access a weapon. Twirling in her hand to understand the balance. She jumps and plunges her makeshift stake into his heart repeatedly. He laughs at her more now. "Oh kid, that's not how you kill us!"

She groans and continues to plunge the wood into his body. He kicks her off, high into the air, fortunately, she catches herself with one hand wrapping around a railing. She hoists herself up and throws the railing she still gripped in her hand straight at his back. She now had blood covering her face and bra. She was in a white sports bra along with some black shorts. The white bra had splatters of thick blood that dripped to her stomach.

John now stands in front of her and chuckles. He swings at her, not the first time he's done this. She kicks his knee before his fist lands and he crumbles backward to the platform floor. "You don't get to hit me anymore," Nova whispers. "You don't get to control me. Compel me, whatever you do...You were my Nest leader..." She hovers over him and glances at Scott, who is already unchained and ready to fight. She leans to John's ear tauntedly. "Now this time," she scoffs and sniffles as if she was now crying. She was crying with anger.

"You're not my leader and certainly are not my father!" Stiles then jumps out and tosses Nova an object. He's done his research- it was a machete. She puts the machete to his neck, looking at John's eyes widen at the cold metal. "Look at me," she growls. He reluctantly does so. "I'm the one that killed you... And your wife and-" he breaks into a wicked grin. "Your whole nest... Do you remember your favorite toy? Orion? Well, he's under my doing! Has been for a while."

John stifles out a groan. He turns his head to look at Scott who is now standing behind her. The same as Stiles.

"You're playing a villain again, dear," John coos. "You did this all the time when we were younger! You and Orion would play the villain and I would be the hero!" he laughs reminiscing on the old times. He was acting foolish like he was a crazed madman insane from being alone for so long.

Nova shakes her head, denying the memory. "That's not what I remember. I remember you wanting to be the hero. You forced me into being the villain... The one that would lure people for you to kill; You made me this way, John."

He kicks her off and she flies onto her back. Next thing she knew she was being grabbed and she kicked the owner, knowing damn well it wasn't Scott or Stiles. She turns and slices their leg and twirls to slice their head. She could feel the blood splatter as well as hear the horrid sound of their heads thudding to the ground with a splat. She turns and sprints at John who is recovering from being punched repeatedly by Scott.

Stiles was back behind the haybale as he didn't want to get harmed. Or so she thought.
She slid to her knees and slid under his legs, the last second turning and cutting his ankles so he could no longer walk. He falls straight forward and she flips him quickly. "This is for Sylvia!" she says as she cuts his head clean off.

A few other followers of John attack her. She zooms around them dodging and slaying one by one. After eight people trying to come after her we're gone and dead on the floor she sighs. Then she screams. Stiles lay next to the haybale with someone hovering over him sucking his blood. She quickly knocks him off, slicing his head off with brisk movement.

Stiles lay there, pale and almost unresponsive. She panics and licks his neck so her saliva can heal him quicker. "I don't want to die," Stiles choked, blood coming from his neck and mouth. "please, dove," he begged. "I want to stay with you..." Nova was now crying.

Written: 12/04/23
Last Edited: 12/04/23
Published: 12/04/23

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