4- I'm smarter

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Nova wakes up groaning. The light was shining in her eyes. Nova is so glad that she is in the strain of vampires that don't have a sensitivity to light. She does have a sensitivity to light but not vampire sensitivity. She just hated the light and loved the dark. 

Stiles went home later after all the bickering that we had done with Melissa. They had lunch and the rest of them started to watch movies and play board games. 

Nova never 'really' thought that she would have the perfect family. Especially because of the elementary fact that she is a vampire. But she does, now, or at least she thinks. Nova never was able to do this back at home; she wasn't allowed to do anything besides her schoolwork and go get food for the nest. She wasn't even allowed to talk to any other vamps in her nest; they hey lived with her!

Nova rolls off her bed, squatting to catch her body. She walks to her closet which still hasn't been situated yet. She didn't want to unpack her clothes in front of the boys so she thought to do so later.

She does her daily hygiene and then decides to get dressed. She drags her suitcase out getting dressed. She puts on fishnets some black ripped-up jeans and a plain black hoodie with some black vans. And I know what you're thinking. "Converse is what people usually say." Well, she's not other people. She doesn't like Converse, they hurt her feet. So instead she slaps some black vans on. She looked at herself in her uncovered mirror and shook her head. She grabbed some small black platforms instead and put them on. She looked into the mirror again and decided that it looked good. Lastly, she grabbed some of her thigh straps and put those on. 

She walks out her door, walking to Scott's room. "Hey, Scott? You up?"

"Yeah, come in," was heard from the other side of the door. Opening the door she steps in and looks for her younger brother. 

"When are we supposed to leave for school?" Nova asks him. He was on the floor again, doing his daily push-ups. 

"In a bit, I'll meet you outside in the jeep. Stiles should be out there." 

Nova goes downstairs wanting something to eat, She grabs a green apple shrugging while walking outside. She gets in the jeep waiting for Scott. Stiles sat in the driver seat tapping the steering wheel. Nova finished her apple, watching Stiles' hands as she ate. 

The three arrive at the school in no time. Nova looks at the school in awe. "This looks way better than my old school." 

They walk in through the doors and everyone stares at the three. Nova smiles awkwardly not knowing how to deal with the attention. An arm bumps her arm and she turns to see Stiles'. "Relax, they're just checking to see who the new girl is. Everyone will love you," he whispers. Nova smiles and holds her head up high. She links her arm with Stiles. She didn't want to be alone on this. She knew she wasn't. She had them both, but this eased her nerves so she went with it.

"Bring me to the Principal's office, I have to get some stuff there finished." 

Stiles nods and leads her the the office. Not without many eyes on both. Somewhere Scott went another way so her nerves were erratic.

Once she was done setting things up she left the office seeing Stile's waiting for her in the chair next to the door. She smiles. "Thanks for waiting for me, Sti." 

"No problem," He says slinging his backpack onto his shoulder. They walk in silence to her first class. Thankfully she had Stiles and Scott. She walks in and the teacher looks at them. 

"Just in time, have a seat." He gestures to the few seats open. Stiles walks to an open seat next to Scott, Nova follows sitting next to them both but behind Scott. "As you can see we have a new student, hope you boys can still focus," He states talking to Scott and Stiles. "Would you like to introduce yourself?" He asks Nova.

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